@Green Witch,
David, I'll bet you a Santa gatling gun, candy-striped rail gun,
and gun-toting elf riding a mecha-Rudolph that if Obama gets into
office he will do nothing to challenge the 2nd Ammendment.
I assume we'll both be floating around A2K in 4 years in order to pay up.
Well after the
HELLER decision came out,
he raised the issue
suo sponte, of doing a job on the 2nd Amendment.
From his history, as well as his projected body language,
we know that, emotionally, he hates guns and freedom of their ownership.
He is
NOT a friend of freedom.
When issues of controversy are argued,
it is usually not hard to understand who is genuinely on your side
and who can only barely restrain his impassioned hatred
of your side of the dispute.
If he is busy with other matters,
he can still take a minute to command underlings
to undertake a job for him and report back.
There was a UN sanctioned international meeting
to ban or curtail as much as possilble civilian gun possession.
W sent John Bolton as our Ambassador; he is strongly pro-freedom.
Obama woud do the opposite; send some anti-gun nut
and use his authority to order ATF to harass gun owners,
the gun manufacturing industry, and gun shops out of business, if at all possible.