child molesters are sick
So it seems.
the long term solution is to find out why and how child molesters
are created, and create fewer of them.
Sounds good to ME.
Those who favor a bullet to the head for child molesters
(that would be Bill and David)
Y do u attribute that to ME, Haweye ?
What brought
THAT on ?
I have never commented upon (nor have I taken time to consider)
what penalty is appropriate for child molesters.
In some cases (extreme cases) this has manifested as violent sodomy and murder.
Capital punishment properly applies to murder; no problem.
Capital punishment for violent sodomy ?
MAYBE; I can see that.
If u choose to define child molestation as a kiss
or a swat on the butt, I have my doubts as to the propriety of capital punishment.
I have never commented upon the merits of penalties
for sexual violence before;
I have no idea Y u have
attributed to me something about "a bullet to the head".
Where do u get that ?