@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:
Quote:I find it very interesting that issues of child well-being has so little interest to a2k posters.
I don't think it's really lack of interest. I think it's more the feeling that here is another thing we have screwed up on as country and we don't know how to fix. I wish there was such a thing as parenting classes in High School. I wish Americans would be willing to fund sex education before teens start having sex. I wish we could, as a society, make birth control cheap and easy for all, but I know none of it is going to happen. As a society, we have chosen to hold onto our money rather than create programs that might make our country a better place for all children.
Ain't just the USA.
I must say, I think it better for there to be SOMEWHERE for parents who are that overwhelmed or irresponsible to leave their children rather than the kids just being abused or thrown out or killed.
As Dys said re the US, there used to be enough resourcing here for emergency care for kids whose parents were not coping to be found reasonably readily when families were in crisis.....so that there was a chance to try to sort things out.
Now, the care system is so burdened that we have kids who have been removed with nowhere to go, so they are in motels and so on with extremely expensive and often very inexperienced carers.
I can see that it is unfair for Nebraska to be used by folk from other states, but, if there is a need for this sort of thing it clearly is a national problem and ideally there needs to be some sort of national system.
That's a hell of a place to be leaving older kids, though.
I assume the hospital is supported by local child protection/welfare folk?
Teen violence against parents is a growing problem, and I note that older kids are being left for being "uncontrollable".
It is sad that families have not been able to experience early intervention to try to minimise this sort of problem.
But as I said earlier, hospitals have tended to become a kind of last mother-ship for a whole range of social problems...and I guess SOME kind of last resort is better than none.