Here is Biden talking about the Obama/Biden energy plan:
Seems pretty clear. He says no coal plants here in the United States, and we (an Obama/Biden admin) have to make sure China only burns clean coal.
They are opposed to nuclear energy, offshore drilling, coal...
I know libs/progressives admire socialist societies, but do they really expect us to ride bikes and scooters as the people do in Asia?
Here is Joe 'Wrong Side of History on Every Important Foreign Policy Decision in His Career' Biden, caught on tape:
But yet again, I expect the libs/progressives here to put their fingers in their ears, hum 'We Shall Overcome' so they don't hear anyone making a valid argument, and fail to address this.
100 + views, only a couple of replies. That how it goes when conservatives ask the hard questions here. But let someone post 'Palin sucks,' and everyone's a hero...
The mainstream media, of couse, hasn't touched this. But we have come to expect their lack of 'vetting' of anything Obama/Biden...