Whoops Gosh Sorry About All The Screaming American Dead
Mark Morford's morning fix
As of Wednesday, Sept. 17, 297 U.S. soldiers have died since the beginning of military operations in Iraq, according to the Department of Defense. On or since May 1, when Shrub had himself flown one mile offshore onto that carefully positioned PR-ready aircraft carrier and tried to look all manly and flyboy-ish, despite being a rather pathetic spoon-fed AWOL National Guardsman whose daddy got him out of serving, degradingly declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended, 159 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq.
Translation: more American soldiers have now died "after* the so-called end of major combat, than during. Donny "Dead Inside" Rumsfeld and Dick "Dead Everywhere" Cheney excitedly held a joint press conference in which they announced that, given how we seemed to lose fewer soldiers when we're mercilessly bombing the living **** out of relatively defenseless nations for no apparent reason or genuine threat, the U.S. would now engage in all-out merciless goddamn war, all the time, non-stop, which should slow the death rate of soldiers so the soldier pool would last "at least" another ten years, until all the oil and power was ours and every single one of them pesky-ass soldiers wuz dead or maimed or at least waving a goddamn flag atop their all-American shag-carpeted condo with their one good remaining arm.