Fri 19 Sep, 2003 09:46 am
If there's anything other than the entire administration and the insufficient campaign finance laws I'd like to see changed in 2005, it's the make-up and influence of the DLC -- and the DNC.
Someone posted a gossip item today that Hillary fooling around again with maybe/maybe not running. I think the DLC is running that show.
I fear that the DLC will try to do end-runs around candidates they don't own. We know they dissed Dean somethin' awful, making Dean supporters so mad that they gave record amounts of money, forced the DLC to step back. We don't know (do we?) whether Clark is a DLC construct.
But I fear, folks, that our Bill and Hillary are pulling strings here, and I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
I will join you here soon. Now I have to go out.
I don't like "Kingmakers" to subvert the will of the voters, no matter who they are.
They just discussed this on Washington Week. The consensus seems to be that this is an effort (Clark) to run a "business as usual" candidate.
That's the way it strikes me, Hobit. And I agree with you wholeheartedly, Edgar!