I think as much because I am holding my thoughts captive. I will not allow myself to think beyond today.
Your comment I pasted above, well, concerns me.
First off though, I think you will be all right in the long run, in the big picture. So don't take this as criticism, I'm just relating to my own journey with anxiety attacks.
I spent a long time holding my thoughts captive, controlling them, controlling myself.....IMO that in itself, the mental (and physical) energy required to stay in control, is anxiety producing itself.
You realize there's a problem, I thought it was all about control. Finally the day came when the damn burst, and all control was swept away.
I'm concerned that if you try to control it yourself too long, without finding and addressing the root cause, it could happen to you.
Now, this is totally my opinion, but I don't believe anxiety is caused by a particular event, i.e. husband losing job, etc. I think it's either genetic, and/or the result of long, long term stressors. If you're prone to anxiety, if it wasn't your husbands job, it would be something else.
I don't know, just something for you to think about.
Also, "controlling" your thoughts is no way to live. When the day finally came that I realized I wasn't forcing myself to not think of something....I just....wasn't thinking of it.....it was a very joyous day.
For the first time in a long time, I was just "being"....and it felt great.
Everyone has to go down their own road, I can't go down yours, but I can share with you what my path was like.