@existential potential,
I would like to believe mis that ep means that its the way we view life and therefore, if we view it in a postive vein the that we can make sense of what happens and therefore follow on to accepting the nature of occurences, actions and consequences.
I hope that is what was meant. I do not know!
perhaps I am totally wrong. perhaps ep is living in a beautiful world and has a strong enough sense of self and acceptance of everything put before him/her. How nice that would feel. I would dearly love to be there.
i don't judge what he/she says - i don't know ep and have not interacted with ep before.
however, what i do know is your feelings, as are mine in the hell-hole 2 days i've found myself in, was not brought on through self harm or self willing. In an ideal world everything is beautiful. In an ideal work it could all be a changing work of art. I do not know Nietcsche - i will look that up in a minute - right now I am totally off the wall at anyone who can possibly imagine that what happens to me and mine is a work of art or is beautiful. Tomorrow I hope to be more level and more able to look positively on the events of my last two days.
Affirmation of life with what a child can go through....finding affirmation of that "appealing". jeez - i guess my "seriously frustrated and particularly disturbing childs life" in someones eyes may be appealing.... but sure as heck i won't be affirming the appealing nature of it.
Sorry mis - I know this is your thread. I know I have no right to jump in here. I apologise to you and the good folk on here.
But your feelings are real too. Please don't let anyone patronise or belittle how you feel and say in laymans terms "get on it with, everything is beautiful". That does not make you feel better.
There are many beautiful and wonderful things in the world, loyalty and friendship and love being some of the most important to me. We know that, we have that. nature and dewdrops, sunrises and sunsets et al.
there is also some very very real pain that people have to go through - pain where you powerless to make a difference and have to watch it happen.... pain where NOTHING, not one bit, not one drop of blood is in any way remotely appealing or beautiful.
I apologise in advance. This is not a good day. I should not post at this time of the nite.
Mis..... your feelings matter, they are very important. They should not be minimised. We, us, people in the world of reality as it is here and now, will hold your hand and help you figure out ways to work through your angst. You came here for reassurance.... let these people reassure you that in time, perspective will kick in. It will.
I'm so sorry to hijack this thread. The edge is pretty darn close right now.
Your feelings are yours, no-one elses.... you have many friends here to guide you. please listen to them - you know who they are - in fact, they are all your friends.... just some think differently than others.
I hope my probably sounding "meanness" is from a misinterpretation of what ep may have said. Willing this... I don't think so!!!!!
Willing the world to be a better place. Yes. Willing the problems to the fore. No.