god damn
I thought a2k needed a humor injection but I think it is going to require a bit more then that.
But.. for the record.. cuz we be talking about my boobies here

They are great. No real growth, no change.. nothing.. it was just a .. way to get attention and get some of that old silly stuff back on here.
But it backfired. I guess.
I miss being able to have these threads around, talking about nothing important and everyone participating.
I miss people KNOWING what threads are jokes and what are not. Sometimes by the person who made it, and sometimes by the opening post.
WTF happened?
If I started a thread about tits, most people would open it 'looking' for the joke. Not any more.
This stiff shirt behavior this site has taken is suffocating and I almost feel robbed in the sense that there is no more.. excitement.. no fun.. no humor anymore.
Its got to be about political boobs, or your posts have to stay on topic .. or other stuffed shirt rules.
Most of the fun people dont even post any more.
I guess we are being rubbed out. But to say so publicly only brings about posts of denying those feelings, or follow ups of " if you dont like it leave'
I miss my a2k.
Im off to play with my tits now.