I'm with Dag about politics per se vs covering history, culture etc in the "observationalism" too...
I mean, I know that I started the thread about seeking a political blog, specifically - even very particularly one about the elections and US (party) politics. That's a good reminder, Soz. And when it comes to finding additional reading material I'm still very much looking for tips on such blogs. But when it comes to
writing a blog, whoa, that's like a very different question. I mean, that wasnt something I was even envisaging when I started this thread. And I dunno, when I think of writing on a blog myself, just focusing on politics in terms of the stuff you'd find on the Politics pages of the NYT wouldnt really do it for me. That wouldnt be worth it for me, kinda?
I mean, I could still do the polling stuff etc, of course... but when I think of European stuff to write about, I'm sooner thinking about, to just randomly pick possible posts, the impact of East-West migration after the enlargement of the EU. Or the discrimination of Roma, their exclusion from education, but also how Roma culture plays a role in that. Or the background of the Georgia/Abkhazia/South-Ossetia conflict. Ethnic identity. Or how Budapest has totally changed, even just in the last few years, under the influence of real estate speculation, the lack of regulation when it comes to the wholesale demolition of streets, and how there's organised civic protest in some neighbourhoods but not in others, and why.
Well, actually, I would probably write nothing of the sort about such Broad, Weighty Subject Matter.

It would probably be far more off-hand observations - like, so, this Hungarian friend worked for the EU in Brussels and now she's back here working for the Hungarian government, and the difference in office culture, working style is just amazing ... But, you know, still about stuff spanning all of that, kinda.
Anyway, thats just how I'm imagining it, from the top of my head, when I think of myself blogging ... Though I'm absolutely proof positive that I'm totally idealising what I'd
actually write about...