I observed that Cruikshank and Presser were both cases in which the Court noted that the second amendment binds the Federal government and not the states. That was my point. If you want to piss all over yourself about who is or isn't being "disarmed," help yourself. Presser didn't involve disarming anyone, it was a case of the state having prohibited Mr. Presser from organizing a socialist militia privately and in contravention of state law. Mr. Presser appealed, and the Court found that Illinois' militia ordinance was constitutional. You really just don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Perhaps you could quote that portion of Heller which "decides jurisdiction." I've already noted that Heller prevents a universal ban on the owning of firearms. For the rest of it, you can rant and fulminate to your heart's content, you're not arguing with me, because i haven't addressed those issues.
You're trying to hang an entire argument on prior cases where the court used precedence in their rulings, yet you fail, or refuse to recognize, that Heller once again has set significant precedence in 2nd Amendment cases.
That is not only short sighted, it is disingenuous and lazy thinking.
Presser didn't even involve a firearm, if you were aware? But it did involve a weapon. Clue: What he was armed with is sharper than you, sparky.
You're reading the Heller dissensions, maybe? A universal ban on the owning of firearms? Is this the spin Brady is using in fundraising now?
Heller was most noteworthy for its acknowledgement of an individual's 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm, putting the militia nonsense to rest once and for all.
This case will be used as precedence when a similar case from the state level comes before the court, and it will apply just not in DC, but in every state.
Unless, of course, Obama is able to appoint enough justices in the next couple of years to alter the current makeup of the court.
Good luck, Skippy.