Okay, I read that link, and I'd like to know which specifics you have a problem with; as none of the things listed really match up, other than the 1998 survey which he claims didn't reflect his views.
Obama is quoted as being in favor of certain types of gun bans (specifically handguns, like in his beloved Chicago, where I live)
No, he has been quoted as being in favor of allowing states to pass laws in their jurisdictions limiting rights. And that's perfectly appropriate. The analogy he used - zoning laws - was fair.
As for trigger locks, he has never voted to make them mandatory, but instead supported a vote to make them included along with a gun purchase.
Face it - you know Obama's not going to ban your guns. You know that he wouldn't even be able to if he tried. So why all this drama? I suspect it's b/c he beat your preferred candidate in the primary, and you're still holding on to some resentment against him b/c of that.