Sun 21 Sep, 2008 09:55 am
Why Palin Fired Monegan
by Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic Magazine
20 Sep 2008 12:20 pm
To hire Chuck Kopp as police chief - because national Christianist forces were looking for a commitment before they helped launch her national career:
Kenai City Police Chief Chuck Kopp was a rising star in Alaska's Christian conservative movement. He was a frequent speaker at local religious and patriotic gatherings. He was school board president of Cook Inlet Academy, the fundamentalist Christian high school in Soldotna his missionary-educator father founded. Kopp also was on the board of Port Alsworth's Tanailan Bible Camp, also founded by his father.
Through Samaritan's Place, Franklin Graham has been the chief benefactor of the Tanailan Bible Camp building and rebuilding a church and meeting hall and guest cabins. The evangelical scion of Alaska, Rev. Jerry Prevo of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, is on Samaritan Purse's Board of Directors, so there's a clear connection between Graham, Prevo and Kopp.
Only problem: Kopp was a known sexual harasser when Palin appointed him (and she knew it). But religious fanaticism and sexual acting out are not exactly strangers to one another, are they?