Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Just a typical attitude of a lot of people to blame their problems on how (they think) society limits them. It's a loser's way of looking at things.
I agree, Slappy Doo Hoo. Arguing gives me good debate practice
So, basically, your argument is 'not my problem'.
Thanks for summing it up for me.
Soul, I can't debate with you if you make no sense. I recommend reading some of the books I suggested. Good luck.
Soul, I can't debate with you if you make no sense. I recommend reading some of the books I suggested. Good luck.
Debate? Would you like for me to name off some of the books *I* have read? Would that impress you? I have dozens, some of which I am certain you never even knew existed. You would need to be reading some of my books to catch up with me, but even then you would't be debating. You'd be too busy trying to rearrange your mind.
did you ever get a reply?