1. sure, I'm a materialist. It's a material world, I require physical things for sustinance. "Lose your money, lose your life, then speak to me of freedom." I couldn't, because I would be dead. I don't know what answer you are looking for here. Liberty means not being dead? Anyway, I could probably survive in the wild because I know which plants are edible, how to collect water, and I can shoot.
2. Read the Autobiograpy of Frederic Douglass
Frederic Douglass, or The Classic Slave Narratives
classic slave narratives. Self-educated African Americans were a large part of the ani-slavery movement. For a short time after the civil war, African Americans were granted property by the gov't, but this was short lived. There were many free African Americans in the North (and about 14 in the south) long beofre the civil war. Part of what caused a rebirth in segregation after the civil war was the conflict caused by former slaves heading north willing to work factory jobs for less - leading to the unemployment of many immigrants. These immigrants found unity in their anger against African Americans, and things like mmm (what's the word? Bamboozled was about it... Theatre making fun of African Americans) became popular again.
3. "Do I want to help perpetuate the mentality? DO I need to help? Are you suggesting that if I used your advice, that everyone else's mentality will change to match it? That, of a sudden, the mentality will no longer be a reality of our society? The semantics you argue are based upon the pretense of all thing being equal. They are not. Don't fool yourself."
The most surefire way to change the world is to change yourself. Don't be part of the problem. Make a difference in -your- life. and in the lives of people you come into contact with.
4. "I agree with you, affirmative action is racist. But who came up with it? Who made it law? Not blacks. Now, have you ever seen a 'ghetto'? Do you know why it is a 'ghetto'? The people who live there can tell you. Have you ever lived in a ghetto? Have you ever suffered poverty? Have you ever had to go without, having been born into poverty, before realizing as you grew older that everyone *didn't* live the way you did? There are people who haven't the slightest clue what going to bed starving is like. Maybe you've never been there, but I have. And I know there are people living like that now, and being born into it every day. So I'd rather not debate semantics with you."
Again, black people aren't the only people who have lived in "ghettos". My ancestors did, and many european ancestors did (look up "the industral revolution"). Sure, there are starving people. But they aren't all "black," nor are most of them, which is the problem with your argument. Having dark skin is not synonomous with poverty or living in bad conditions, although many people with dark skin do, it is not a symptom of having dark skin. Nor is a life of ease a symptom of having light skin. You are simplifying world problems into a 70's equal rights movement mentality.
Sure, affirmative action is rascist and wrong. Again, don't care who made it, it's wrong. Interesting to hear you agree with me on that.
5. "Thinking such as this is the very reason why these things exist. What, is African poverty worse than American poverty? Are indian women more worthy of attention than African women? Is ritual religion somehow different from orthodox? The poor of russia are the result of russian policy. The poor of India are the result of Indian policy. The black american poor are the result of american policy. Notice the similarities? The sufferers suffer because of leadership, and the indifferent people who segregate between 'good' poverty and 'bad' poverty."
Yes, African poverty is far worse than American poverty. Look it up in that CIA link I gave you. They have many more starving, many more mutilated people, and the depth of the poverty is more. America has a very low poverty rate compared to most of the world.
Poverty is not always a result of bad leadership. It can be a result of all kinds of problems like: drought, disease, overpopulation, overconsumption, maldistribution, cultural trends, bad economic management, bad weather, etc. Ever heard of the Irish Potato famine? The dust bowl? Socialism started out with good leadership - under Lenin. It's interesting that you mention russia, because their poverty is a result of the cold climate and socialism, which is somthing you seem to believe in.
"'Educate the uneducated'. This is exactly what I do. But did you notice it was you who put 'color' in 'trash'. I didn't specify skin tone, I specified living conditions. Trailer trash are people too. And 'civil' 'rights' are an afterthought for something that should have been present from the beggining. But it wasn't. The American constitution is a testment to their prejudice in policy and leadership. The document was written with an exclusive race in mind, andonly modified to include others, namely former non-white slaves. "
I specified color because you did in the previous statement, saying most poverty in the u.s. was "black" not "white," which I pointed out was untrue.
There were great struggles over the constitution, and there were some antislavery advocates, but the people of America wouldn't have ratified it if it gave slaves or women rights. Think contextually. It has served us well for 200 years, and both you and I have freedom now, so I am pretty happy with it.
"As for generalizations, the poor are the poor, which is why they are colorless. But if there was something of spiritual unity, then there would be no poor because you wouldn't let your family go hungry would you? But since you are agnostic, and of independant thought, they are not *your* family."
Sure, so don't imply color into poverty. Why would I need spirituality to have morals and a social conciousness? That's absurd. Look at the crusades, some good spirituality does. I am agnostic because it is the logical choice, and I have faith in Science and Reason as life living guidelines. If you know enough about science, there are biological advantages to having a good social community, and it makes a person feel good.
"The leaders of the world must be agnostic. Certainly they are 'independent thinkers' too, according to you.[/quote]"
This really doesn't make any sense, 73.
7. Before trying to educate others, make sure you know well your arguments. Read books, they're free at the library. If you can, take classes. Here's a book that seems like it might interest you: The Autobiography of Malcolm X [be sure to read all the way to the end, there is progression]
Malcolm X
If you read these books I will be interested in discussing them with you.