AMERICA Unites Against The Dems

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 05:48 pm
Yes I voted for Gore... But I did not vote for the metal throwing, I voted against supporting the troops body armor John Kerry...

Considering the democratically run congress' lowest approval rating ever. This is only a small indicator of how bad the dems are going to lose in November.

I advise any x dems here reading this to put any money you can into the RNC's campaign for REAL CHANGE. I know I have broken my bank account doing the same. With all (with the exception of only a few) of the media giants all favoring Obama and not giving McCain fair coverage it is time the power of the people be heard. After this election cycle and the dems lose BADLY in November it is time to then invest into the republican media outlets in protest to the liberal news’ underhanded handling of one of America's most sacred institution "the press".

This is the same press that lost the Vietnam war by covering only the negative side of the war. Harry Cronkite, Rodger Mudd etc... communists and haters of the American way. Turning the American public against our troops by only giving one side of the war effort to the American people. FOR SHAME ON LIBERALS!

Had it not been for Fox News we would have left Iraq and Afghanistan by now in complete disgrace and FAILURE for the millions of Iraqis depending on our military to liberate them. YES LIBERATE! I also believe that we would have won the Iraq war much sooner had the left not been spewing out their anti Bush hate and Bush LIED broken record for 8 years getting front page status on the NYT for their “GENERAL BETRAY US” MOVEON DOT ORG CRAP!

I don’t even care to watch what the democrats have to say at their star studded convention full of Hollywood hate America, Shawn Penn, Alex Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and the list goes on move to France crowd.

The liberal news has cost REAL Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan their lives they have emboldened the terrorists they have given the enemy vital information so they can counter our advance with the very democracy that the liberals claim to value!

Now the liberals have given us a man of HIGHLY questionable character. Barack Hussein Obama… Barack’s wife has openly voiced her disgust for America, Barack was a Muslim as a boy and considering the reverend Wrights church is also (from what I recall) protected by the “Muslim brotherhood“… WHAT KIND OF “CHRISTIAN” CHURCH IS THAT?!

The atheists figure if they cannot convince people to their God hating way they will just obliterate our working democracy. They would rather live in anarchy than Christianity. The left in this country IS the culture of corruption the way they worship swoon and faint over a MERE MAN because of the vacuum and spiritless nature of their selfish liberal ideal.

I think considering the success of the surge in Iraq that Bush should get back on that aircraft carrier with the same MISSION ACCOOMPLISHED banner (but even bigger) and declare MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! See what kind of STINK the liberal party has to say about that!

I doubt I will ever vote for another liberal as long as I live. I do not think the Republican party is the answer all party either especially how they hate gays and a woman’s choice. But what kind of country will be left if we let the appeasement of the liberals foreign policies set us up for another MAJOR attack because they refuse to acknowledge there are real enemies out that that wish to do America harm.

I consider the liberal party America’s worst homegrown terror cell. As long as democracy is still alive on our soil we need to vote these criminals out of power and return to the rule of our beloved constitution which guarantees freedom of press not silenced conservatives. Not press that consists of 90% liberal DEMOCRATS!. Not Hollywood that consists of 90% liberals. So that all of the multimedia that we are barraged with on a daily basis slants toward their brand of anarchy and ultimate rule.

If we do not vote out the democrats we will end up with a big government that will eventually make the patriot act look like training wheels for another Hitler. Don’t think so? Look at Venezuela! They didn’t think so either when the voted Diablo Chavez into power… For what they are against now to keep us safe (patriot act, racial profiling) when in power they will be use to criminally to keep the power ultimate.

A democratic victory is actually for totalitarian rule disguised as socialism, universal health care and let's not forget HIGHER TAXES could not be any further from what democracy actually represents.

Look at the pork barrel spending shoved in by Nancy Pelosi, Murtha and Reid on the military bills. The Liberals are so OWNED by GEROGE SOROS special interest that there is not one shred of MORAL decency left in the party.

McCain is taking general campaign financing while Barack is going for the gusto and what price will be paid by Barack’s sold out soul after he wins the White House?


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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 1,815 • Replies: 16
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 06:11 pm
you need a glass of red wine and a valium my friend....you're pent up ...
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 06:20 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
you need a glass of red wine and a valium my friend....you're pent up ...

For good reason... the dems are wrecking our country.

Go to Reuters main video page online 10 to 1 Obama videos versus McCain... Even the McCain videos have Obama in them.

Sick news...
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Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 08:58 pm
DENVER " With much of the nation sampling TV coverage of the Democratic Convention, things are getting a bit dicey for NBC News. For months, that organization has tilted heavily toward promoting Barack Obama for president, thereby violating traditional journalistic tenets.

According to a recent study by the Media Research Center, NBC News has the most lopsided pro-Obama coverage among national TV news operations. The MRC found that pro-Obama reports outnumber anti-Obama reports by 10 to one on NBC News, an amazing statistic.

Bill O'Reilly

Comment RexRed: Liberal news outlets need to get REAL or lose all credibility. Remember Ted Koppel and his disgraceful concoction of facts, just to smear Bush before the election…..

If liberals can't be trusted to even report the news what justification is there in making one of them president?

What “CHANGE” can we expect from Obama when we cannot trust the LIBERAL news outlets to report things with OBJECTIVITY?

Remember objectivity, that is what ETHICAL news reporters are supposed to be sworn to uphold.

For the first time in my life I am PROUD to have missed the democratic convention! Such a convoluted bunch of criminals, crooks, adulterers, flag burning America haters. They have NOTHIGN to say that I haven't heard already and would prefer not to be subjected to such rubbish again!

It is a disgrace that the liberal democrats picked a black man with zero credibility and experience to represent blacks in this country. What should one expect from the Dean/Soros (legalize drugs for kids party) they pick an ex-junkie to be president? Do we know the extend to Osama’s drug addiction? Was it just crack or even worst drugs like heroin and crystal meth, did he sell drugs to kids too? How about some drug testing for the most important elected job in the country?

We may never know with NEWS that never gets reported! So is this democracy when people are NOT INFORMED? Considering the "liberals" like Ted Koppel have not reported the TRUTH are we to assume the worse?

We already know George Soros' admitted intentions to legalize all drugs in America by buying the US presidency and president... is Obama privy to THAT too?

Change, hope?

I prefer things the way they are thank you very much.

Why am I so mad? Answer: THE LYING LIBERAL MEDIA!

Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 10:14 pm
When the American people have to rely on swift boat veterans for RELYABLE truth in news reporting then it is time to tell the democrats to take a long 4 to 8 year hike and in the meantime to GET REAL….

The Democrats deserve to lose this election for assuming the American people are such a brush off that they/we don't need to know the TRUTH of who their candidate really is and what they ACTUALLY stand for. The last 8 years of the liberal press insulting our elected president in the eyes of the American people is unforgivable to say the least. The liberal press has even less credibility than their darling son Barack Hussein Obama. Given the liberal media's endorsement of Barack and this SERIOUS lack of credibility on their part I have no other choice than to look elsewhere for REAL leadership in a possible US president.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 12:51 am
Both candidates are pathetic.
And they love throwing **** at each other.

Whats new?

Nothing, as far as I can tell the damage is more than done, and any elected party cant fix it. Did I say cant? Yes, yes I did. The reason for this is when a government does something really stupid, and then continues to do so over 8 years, what your left with is a giant mountain of mangled stupidity that's so complex it becomes completely impervious to logicality and due process (also see Religion).

As the United States becomes more Christianofied expect to see a crack down on rights (you know, those things that put the free in free-world) and a large heaping helping of complete and utter bullshit (watch "news") as more children are indoctrinated and adopt fundamentalist views that will dramatically increase the level of stupidity and violence between the people that believe there's an invisible man in the sky and the people that don't, and least we forget, the people that think the invisible man has a different name or has more virgins or has a bigger cock.

So we have science getting bogged down by religious nutters and otherwise unable to fight stupidity,
Religious folk doing what they do best, nothing,
And everyone else just letting it slide, because hey, we all know deep down that we've made a complete and utter balls up of this planet for future generations to come.

You can be politically left, right, center, sideways, up fronts or back ways, ultimatly, it doesnt matter, you vote but its the STINKING rich that have the control, no amount of democratic process or heart string tugging speeches can fix this situation.

Live life to the fullest, while you can.
Greed WILL suck us dry.
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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 01:54 am


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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 02:46 am

Beware not for the squemish!

happy tree friends Shocked
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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 08:01 am
I guess some people just don't want the news to be upbeat.

Meanwhile O'Reilly is running 100- 1 when it comes to anti Obama coverage but no one considers it amazing.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 08:24 am
I guess some people just don't want the news to be upbeat.

Meanwhile O'Reilly is running 100- 1 when it comes to anti Obama coverage but no one considers it amazing.

I would like to see the statistics on that and who published those statistics or did you just "fabricate" that statement?

O'Reilly almost every program states how he has invited Obama onto his program and Obama has declined... Does that sound exclusionary to you? If Obama had something positive to say on O'Reilly's program just think of how much conservative coverage Obama would receive by going on O'Reilly's program. O'Reilly, America's number one talk show host is not good enough for Obama. Obama is only good talking to commies and socialists in the liberal news. Yet Obama "refuses" just like his debates with McCain have been turned down. So Obama will talk with foreign despots and tyrants but he will not converse with the US conservative press? What is Obama afraid of, a total lack of experience in handling US affairs?

If Obama is so inexperienced that he cannot converse with the conservative press then what would make one think Obama is qualified to talk foreign affairs with our sworn enemies? I guess O’Reilly doesn’t swoon, faint, plop and get tingles in his toes talking to Obama… O'Reilly doesn’t drool over Obama’s attire. I got “NEWS” for Obama, neither will the terrorists greet him with stars in their eyes. The will simply use Osama’s naivety to their advantage to attack America right under his unsuspecting watch.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 08:42 am
Every single speech delivered on the DNC floor mentioned Bush’ failed policies… What about congresses approval rating!!! It is dipping down into the single digits! Obama is right in the pocket of the people RUNNING the house and the senate. (running from their duties is more like it…)

Bush was elected two terms as president where many democrats this is their first terms and still they have done nothing to garner the American people’s trust. So where is this CHANGE?

So whenever Obama mentions Bush's (and Condi’s) so called failed policies (Is this the surge he is talking about? Is this another masked insult to our troops???) it might be prudent to mention Obama and his dismal senatorial record along with his cohorts running the house and their even LOWER US approval rating….
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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 09:04 am

But Obama wants to first thing talk to Chavez and Ahmadinejad? What Country does Obama think he is running for president in?
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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 09:26 am
I would like to see the statistics on that and who published those statistics or did you just "fabricate" that statement?

Funny, your interest in fabrication when it's convenient. But with no hesitation you'll swing on the jock of a racist homophobe with a track record of dishonesty: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/14/jerome-corsi-obama-camp-f_n_118992.html

Go play in the corner with your 20th Century politics while the rest of us elect the President.

Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 09:48 am

Funny, your interest in fabrication when it's convenient. But with no hesitation you'll swing on the jock of a racist homophobe with a track record of dishonesty: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/14/jerome-corsi-obama-camp-f_n_118992.html

Go play in the corner with your 20th Century politics while the rest of us elect the President.


I would still not read that CRAP on the Huffington Post if it was shoved down my throat with a sledge hammer. Arinna Huffington is an unscrupulous hater and enemy of the USA.

Go play in your myopic, anemic, cancer of a sandbox.

O’Reilly has interviewed many gay and lesbian people respectfully. I have seen the interviews and as a homosexual myself, I approve of the way O’Reilly handled the interviewees. If you are talking about how he has championed Jessica’s law I see you would rather child rapist be set free to continue their rampage?

Again conservatives show more concern for LIFE than do liberal Obama (leave half-aborted babies to die in hospital trashcans).
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 09:59 am
Again conservatives show more concern for LIFE than do liberal Obama (leave half-aborted babies to die in hospital trashcans).

At least we're getting to the point.

I agree with you 100% that we must stop trashcan abortions. The number of fetuses tossed in hospital dumpsters willy-nilly is a tragedy. In fact, just this morning, walking to work, I must have heard, like, three or four crying fetuses (I also saw two gay men touching their penises together, in line at Starbucks, damn those gays!) And so, like you, I support abortion not via trashcan, but rather through suction-aspiration.

In short, though Obama voted against a war that's led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, an illegal war conceived by a conservative administration, I totally see your point.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 10:00 am
Gargamel your bait and switch article does not show any statistical evidence of your claim of negative trend or bias on O'Reilly's part. It only ATTEMPTS to defame the popular "democratic" judgment of a number one best seller. What's next rose colored glasses at a discount paid for by the DNC? Nothing can portray the democrats in a good light.
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Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2008 10:07 am
At least we're getting to the point.

I agree with you 100% that we must stop trashcan abortions. The number of fetuses tossed in hospital dumpsters willy-nilly is a tragedy. In fact, just this morning, walking to work, I must have heard, like, three or four crying fetuses (I also saw two gay men touching their penises together, in line at Starbucks, damn those gays!) And so, like you, I support abortion not via trashcan, but rather through suction-aspiration.

In short, though Obama voted against a war that's led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, an illegal war conceived by a conservative administration, I totally see your point.

Now look who is throwing out the homosexual hate? Then you make light of infant death then you try and pass the load of crap that the Iraqis are worse off now than with Uday and Qusay raping 14 year old Iraqi girls, Saddam's torture rooms and mass graves. Drink some more of that San Francisco cool-aid compliments of the DNC.

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