Tue 26 Aug, 2008 07:44 am
I just realized something today. When we go to the polls in November we will have an exciting choice to make. We get to choose between a guy who can't remember how many houses he owns and a guy who can't remember how many states we have.
Now I know this may seem trivial, but I just don't think it is too much to ask that our presidential nominees know this type of information. I mean, it just makes sense. I don't want McCain flying off on a presidential vacation and spending tax dollars staying at a hotel and finding out a week later that dang, he owned a home there in town. Nor do I want Obama flying around in AF1 looking for those extra states that he hasn't been to yet. Seems like a waste of jet fuel to have him do so.
I think we're in for a fun 4 years no matter who wins in November. But that's just me.
Feel free to add your own humorous thoughts here to lighten up our discussion on politics just a bit.
Hhmmmm ... you dont think Obama really doesnt know how many states there are, do you? I think there's a difference between actually not knowing something and misspeaking...
I know this is a light-hearted thread, just couldnt tell if you really believed that (and were making fun of it) or not (and just goofing around, which is cool).
I'm sure he knows now. Just as I'm sure McCain now knows how many houses he owns.
But yes, I really am just goofing around. Cause I'm a cool clown.