Hi folks,
For everyone still having trouble navigating the remodeled A2K, I put together a quick slideshow that helps visually demonstrate how to find your way around. The trouble is that a lot of the infrastructure for using the tags is going to change in about a week to two weeks so much of this will be revised.
The dilemma was to wait two weeks and let folks continue to fumble around in the dark or post the link with the caveat that it will change in a couple weeks and you'll have to learn some more stuff.
I got Craven's okay to post the link to the slideshow as long as everyone understands this isn't official and will be changing in a couple weeks when they add a few new features to the navigation..
Would you also do me a favor and offer some constructive criticism on the slides as to the content, descriptions and how clear it is for non-technical folks to follow? Use this thread to give me your feedback. Also if there are other mysteries about the remodeled A2K that you think should be included in this very basic introductory tutorial, let me know that too.
Ok so here's the link: Use the slideshow controls to pause or slow down the speed of the slide changes and be sure to make note of both the slide content and the content in the captions.