so...it was running ok for a few hours, now i got 2 more crashes. The last Blue Screen Of Death very clearly read the "Memory management" error message. When I shut down and turned the puter on, I got the "Windows has recovered from a serious error" and then it listed 3 things.
1) The first one said something to the effect that I may have been running too many programs that are labor intensive, like virus scanner or defragmenting (I have been, in fact, running both and that after not shutting the computer down for a few days)
2) The second one said something about Firefox
3) Third one said something about Java, also related to Firefox.
I shut down, unplugged the power cord, took out the battery, held the power button down for some 20 seconds to clear any residues and whatnot (been told to do that by customer service once before when i had memory issues).... but I got the same blue screen again shortly after restarting. I am uninstalling programs I never use (games the computer came with, files i don't need,etc...) but I'm pretty sure that's not the problem. I have well over 30GB of space on my hard drive.
No time to bring it to the Geek Squad before I move across The Puddle... anything I can do from home?