I gotta say, so far I'm totally addicted to the new site.
You may (or may not

) have noticed, but the last couple of months I've stayed away from a2k much as I could. (Spending muchos time on Flickr instead..) I'd already become kinda dragged back the last two weeks or so, but was kinda angry at myself for it.
But now! I feel like I've been here non-stop since the re-launch. I dont know whether it's because of all its cool new toys (eh, features), or just because figuring out a new system itself is fun, or because some of the new features (ignore and the like) keep me out of the most annoying-yet-timewasting stuff, or because stuff like diving into the tagging and voting had me re-discovering old threads...
OK, so all of the above, obviously.
Still, after like 2 1/2 days non-stop here I guess I should start, you know, returning to real-life and all..