@old europe,
Re: okie (Post 3358099)
old europe wrote:I think it really changes to -1, but simultaneously, it gets hidden from your view. Other can still see the post.
Unless many posters vote the post down. It seems that eventually, it will get hidden for all posters as standard (even though you can set when it will disappear for you, based on the ratings by others, based on the threshold you set in your preferences).
(Not that I speak with any authority... just based on observation...)
First of all, I wanted to see if quote box would work. Seems like it does, but with more work now?
Anyway, I read the first link provided by soz, which seems to talk about minimizing top down management of posts, etc, and subjecting everything to voting, uh, I am very skeptical, but curious to see how this plays out. The explanation sounded pretty touchy feely and politically correct, something like opinions now are done via consensus or something called "community" or something akin to that? An opinion is now only valid if it meets public approval of the people that happen to be around at the time? I express my opinions as an individual, not as a member of some "community." Anyway, pardon my criticism based upon a preliminary look at this, I will give it some more time, but I may need to look at another forum, if this one remains anything like this clunky version. Change is good if it is an improvement, but I'm not convinced this is.
Another beef is one I saw Thomas express, the lists of threads are shown per our latest posts, not by the latest posts by all posters on each thread. I don't really care about seeing my posts, as I already know what they are in general, I want to see the latest posts of all posters. We could already search our latest posts on the previous version if we wanted to do that, and we could receive a message or email I think, if a reply was received. My apologies if I don't know how to do some of this stuff as preferred yet, and perhaps I can get there, but it seems to take extra work.
Pardon my criticisms, I will keep checking this out over the next few days, and if I begin liking it, I will report that as well.