[answered] Why is H20_MAN allowed to sh*t all over A2K?

Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 04:24 am
I think I might be able to hang around here more often, especially with the previously undiscovered and seemingly magical ability to ignore a couple of you wads with a click of my mouse.

Takes all the thinking out of it. (I like that.)

If this feature had been available a few years ago I might have been able to set the board record for "member most ignored". Scorn worn -- as Dan Quayle once said -- like a badge of honor.

Anyway it's nice to read some of you again. Well most of you. Well everybody who's posted so far.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 04:38 am
The problem is the limbo we are in during the long transition to the new and improved A2K that has been alluded to and is now being seriously progressed toward. The self-moderation aspect will be great for the new and improved A2K where we are promised computerized tools to help in that self-moderation.

The problem is that the self-moderation aspect is being implemented on the old A2K where the only tools we have are the spare time of the human moderators, the TOS, and the Report button (which mostly gets little action unless it is competitive spam); or a browser many are not technically skilled enough to be able to convert to without detailed and patient help.

During the rowdy transition to self-moderation, the current "old" A2K is spiraling downward in quality of discourse and is being abandoned by many oldtimers and the void is being filled by those who thrive on an unmoderated forum -- the Abuzz that many fled from when joining A2K six years ago.

As we journey through this transition, some are mourning the loss of friendships that have scattered on the winds to other corners of the internet and not left breadcrumbs so we can rekindle the spirit of the old, moderated A2K elsewhere while we endure the adolescent A2K and wait for the technology to mature into the new and improved A2K we can all customize to our own individual needs and tastes.

Is it worth the wait? Some days that's a resounding yes and other days it's a resounding no.

Any estimates of an ETA for the new and improved A2K? With that knowledge we can all make an informed choice to continue enduring the transition or wait it out elsewhere before returning.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 04:40 am
dlowan wrote:

I have never heard that said in any section of the site before, though, so it would likely have been useful to say it a long time ago, if they were never meant to guide members' conduct.

Let's try this again: it's not meant to be an agreement with you and the site on how the MODERATORS will do their job. What I object to is pretending like there is a legal agreement between you and the site as to how they should act in their roles.

So when people trot out the TOS and tell the moderators what they should be doing I find it odd, because the TOS was never intended to serve that purpose and an agreement of that nature doesn't exist between the users and the moderators on how the site should be governed. An agreement between the site and the users exists to the effect that the site has the right to display the content they submit and a right to censor it at the site's discretion.

It does not aim to specify where the line is drawn insofar as said discretion is concerned.

The TOS have certainly always been open to multiple interpretations, as is the nature of such things, but I am utterly astounded to hear you say they have never influenced Moderation policy.

Given that I didn't say that, so am I. The TOS was a starting point in many ways, and I don't claim it has had no influence on moderation policy. What I am saying is that it is not a codification of moderation policy.


I have no problem with you doing whatever you please with the site, but I think it simply silly to deny there has been a change in mod policy,

I don't deny that there is a change in the policy toward much less censorship. Hell I actually advocate it, and make no attempt to deny it. I think it's a good thing. I realize that many will not, but many didn't think the censorship levels of the past were right either and ultimately there will always be many who disagree with the policies.

My criticism has nothing to do with the moderation, as such, by the way...it has to do with policy...

I know. And quite frankly it's not something I take personally anymore. There will always be those who disagree with the policy.

My "frankly revolting a lot of the time" is actually a very unfair comment, which I withdraw and apologise for, now that I look at it again.

I don't remember it specifically so it couldn't have been that bad.

There have been a few incidents of revoltingness relating to very libellous comments made about a few people, that have made me feel very distressed on their behalf.

I am prone to exaggeration when thinking about that.

If libelous comments have been made, there is recourse within the policy we are moving toward to remove them. After all, libel is illegal.

Thing is, we don't have the ability to determine it. So we leave that responsibility in capable hands: existing legal systems. And I take seriously the responsibility not to encourage chilling effects by caving in to the legal threats out of fear.

How about a real-life example. JaniKing threatened to sue me for allowing defamatory comments to be made here about them. Thing is, while the comments were negative they would need to be at least untrue and often also malicious in intent to qualify for libel.

They wanted to put a "chilling effect" on the criticism of them, and the easy thing to do for me (especially then with personal liability on the line) would be to censor the criticism of this company here.

I feel that's wrong. I am not responsible for deciding whether it's defamatory or not and I don't think I should censor from that position of ignorance. If it's not defamation the criticism is legitimate. In short, the responsibility of censorship is an important one. I think you are wrong about the posts being libelous, but more importantly think you are wrong to think we should bear the responsibility of determining whether it is or not.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 04:55 am
To say things have deteriorated to the level of the dying Abuzz is exaggerated, I think. Some of those elements have crept in, but I for one am willing to put up with it to keep in contact with my friends, plus am eager to try out the new site when it is ready.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 05:03 am
Butrflynet wrote:

Any estimates of an ETA for the new and improved A2K? With that knowledge we can all make an informed choice to continue enduring the transition or wait it out elsewhere before returning.

I'm not giving ETAs after being wrong about every one of them for two years. But I will say that our internal timeframe centers around weeks, not months.

That being said I don't think the new site is a silver bullet for the concerns you express. I don't think the technology will make everyone like the change, like the management or even like the site.

And "many" members may well leave. Thing is, they always did. For example Frank used to rail at us for being authoritarian censors, and now is saying he won't come back because of the reduced censorship, the site can't win this particular game. This thread is full of old timers who left the site at various points before any of these changes and I don't expect that the new technology will stop that.

There will always be people who leave the site while stating the reasons as the ineptitude of its management and there always will be detractors. Everyone here has criticized the site operation before and evoked exaggerated Abuzz comparisons and I certainly don't expect that to change.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 05:45 am
Anyone who compares the site management here unfavorably with Abuzz is an idiot. I've only known one bulletin board site which has been as well, or, arguably, better managed, and that has a tenth the membership, and probably one twentieth the posts.

Another consideration is that people just drift away, without reference to any particular like or dislike about the site. This is common online. At another site which i visit, the chief administrator (who almost never posts there any longer) once commented that participants at such sites commonly last less than two years.

Tant pis tant mieux.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 05:50 am
By the by, in case anyone thinks i have contradicted myself--i said i don't much go into the political forum any longer, and said why that is so. I didn't, however, claim that that was a management problem--and i don't think it is.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 07:19 am
Craven de Kere wrote:
Butrflynet wrote:

Any estimates of an ETA for the new and improved A2K? With that knowledge we can all make an informed choice to continue enduring the transition or wait it out elsewhere before returning.

I'm not giving ETAs after being wrong about every one of them for two years. But I will say that our internal timeframe centers around weeks, not months.

That being said I don't think the new site is a silver bullet for the concerns you express. I don't think the technology will make everyone like the change, like the management or even like the site.

And "many" members may well leave. Thing is, they always did. For example Frank used to rail at us for being authoritarian censors, and now is saying he won't come back because of the reduced censorship, the site can't win this particular game. This thread is full of old timers who left the site at various points before any of these changes and I don't expect that the new technology will stop that.

There will always be people who leave the site while stating the reasons as the ineptitude of its management and there always will be detractors. Everyone here has criticized the site operation before and evoked exaggerated Abuzz comparisons and I certainly don't expect that to change.

I have never criticized the site operation on these boards. Please pm me for my mailing address so you can send my cookie.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 07:28 am
I am currently typing on my laptop while taking a ****. That's different from shitting on the boards, right? I'm not violating anything, right?
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 07:36 am
Craven de Kere wrote:
dadpad wrote:


Evidently drewdad, we differ greatly in our concept of "huge ass". And quite frankly I don't think that's a discrepancy that should be abided on this forum.


Are you channeling Bi-Polar Bear today?
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 07:45 am
Deliberate I think Drew.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 07:58 am
Not the mistaking our names, but sounding like a whiny, petulant child.

I acknowledge that Craven's a smart guy. (I really like the new spell-check feature, for example.) But IMO he's taking the complaints too personally.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 08:23 am
DrewDad wrote:
Craven de Kere wrote:
dadpad wrote:


Evidently drewdad, we differ greatly in our concept of "huge ass". And quite frankly I don't think that's a discrepancy that should be abided on this forum.


Are you channeling Bi-Polar Bear today?

I don't understand why one day you woke up and decided to drag me into your remarks so I'll ask again.... did someone name quinney screw your wife when you weren't looking or something?
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 08:55 am
Craven de Kere wrote:
When are the lousy moderators going to do something about Kicky? Why is he allowed to post a bunch of stupid sex threads? Aren't there enough places on the net for him to masturbate? Why do they allow him to masturbate all over this site?

For that matter, why are dumb people allowed to use the site? Why are people with stupid political beliefs allowed to talk about them? Why are people allowed to post stupid emoticon posts? Why are people allowed to take up the majority of the site with stupid word games? Why are people allowed to go off topic? Why is Bill allowed to tell people to kill themselves? Why is dlowan allowed to say the site is going to hell in a handbasket for allowing personal attacks while taking advantage of the new leniency to get in personal attacks on the same day? Seriously, there is a veritable shitload of stuff I don't like here. Why don't moderators delete everything I don't want to read before I have to read it?

The only difference between these questions and mine is that mine was legitimate.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 08:59 am
Craven de Kere wrote:
And "many" members may well leave. Thing is, they always did. For example Frank used to rail at us for being authoritarian censors, and now is saying he won't come back because of the reduced censorship, the site can't win this particular game. This thread is full of old timers who left the site at various points before any of these changes and I don't expect that the new technology will stop that.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 09:03 am
I would love to see a debate between Craven and Frank on this issue.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 09:05 am
DrewDad wrote:
Not the mistaking our names, but sounding like a whiny, petulant child.

I acknowledge that Craven's a smart guy. (I really like the new spell-check feature, for example.) But IMO he's taking the complaints too personally.

I didnt see that (whining) and don't agree with you. Seems to me Craven was telling it like it is. Ya cant please all of the people all of the time.
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 09:13 am
I love A2K! It keeps me sane while it drives me nuts.

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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 09:14 am
dadpad wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Not the mistaking our names, but sounding like a whiny, petulant child.

I acknowledge that Craven's a smart guy. (I really like the new spell-check feature, for example.) But IMO he's taking the complaints too personally.

I didnt see that (whining) and don't agree with you. Seems to me Craven was telling it like it is. Ya cant please all of the people all of the time.

I think he's telling it like it is and whining. In other words, he's becoming just like me. I'm so proud!
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Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 09:24 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
I've come to realize that both atheists and American conservatives are stone headed--and are unable to acknowledge the serious deficiencies in their positions.

Wait. I thought you're an atheist.

Admit it. You're secretly a Bush supporter, too.
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