hawkeye10 wrote:What I don't understand is this; if there are no enforced community standards for behaviour and if technology will be used to ensure that there is no common experience at a2k, then the community ceases to exist....so what is a2k supposed to become?
A menu to pick and choose from as you see fit?
Kind of like the transition from a local community to a consumer society...
Maybe an unavoidable transformation if the scale of things starts multiplying (unless you have the resources to hire an army of moderators, I mean). With the well-known advantages and disadvantages.
Like, maybe like what's happened with TV. You used to have a couple of stations. Everyone got to see the same things, so you shared the same experience, which was good for water cooler conversation. And the stations were pretty well policed: you didnt have the proliferation of porn, blood and commercials you have now.
But you were also stuck with those couple of stations; you all just had the same programs to watch, regardless of your preferences or interests. And there was just one way to watch it, beginning to end.
Now you have much more choice, everybody gets to pick and select what they like according to their interests. With stuff like TiVo (I hear) you can even skip parts like the commercials. And you can protect yourself from the garbage by simply skipping or ignoring the channel. Moreover, there's ways content is flagged to warn people it's something they don't want to see (adult TV, PG-ratings etc).
But boy is there a lot of garbage out there now, which just wasnt there before... and beyond just keeping ignoring it, there's nothing you can do about it, cause it's is a free for all and nobody's gonna intervene and take it down. And yeah, the TV experience is splintered -- it's only at the world championship football or when, I dunno, Lady Di dies that we all still watch the same thing.
(Which - but this is a digression - actually could be the reason why events like those are more cathartically massive than ever before. Them being the only occasions when the country still comes together, it's lived out with an extravagance of public, collective emotion you never had in earlier times).
Um... sorry for getting all sociological and stuff...