squinney wrote:Why did you give the $20 to the one you percieved as "prettiest?"
To reward her
for radiating the greatest amount of beauty out into the world.
She was like a Beauty Fountain.
In that vein, something that I 've done over the years
is call over a beautiful waitress (not necessarily my own) in a restaurant
hand her a $100.oo bill, informing her that she won the contest.
Invariably, thay have inquired qua " what contest ? "
Then I told her that it was " the most beautiful girl around here contest. "
*A variation on the " contest " theme
was in the mid 1980s, I was seeing a young lady who had an 8 year old boy.
In some ways, he reminded me of myself, at that age.
I travel a lot; I go to many conventions of different groups to which I belong,
scattered around America.
I mailed him a $100.oo bill, postmarked from a distant state,
under cover of a letter saying something like this:
Mr. Richard Whateverthehell
Address NY
" Dear Sir:
1. It is the purpose of this writing to inform you that you have won
second prize in the contest.
2. Here is the money.
3. Better luck next time.
.........................................................The Contest Committee.
He was known to like dinosaurs (not that he had any).
I bought a sheet of stamps from the Post Office with pictures of different
dinosaurs on them, which I applied to such cash bearing letters to him,
( always typed )
from distant states. Thay have never been attributed to me.
I also reasoned that he 'd describe this perhaps
unusual event
to his friends in school ( or for that matter, to his grandchildren )
and that with
each re-telling, he 'd mentally
re-live the experience,
but it woud cost me nothing.
I know that he liked cash
because he kept hitting his mother up for it whenever I went over there.