I love the banannas thing.... so true! What an impossible flavor.
Personally I don't think David is a troll.
Sure, he has some wacky ideas but he also has some interesting ideas.
Quote:Love is so complicated.
To think that it can be created with money is... well.... perplexing.
Well, let me say 2 different, distinct things in response to that:
1 ) Actually, what I said (check me on this) is that love to a person
EXPRESSED as kindness
IF that is successful, it is absorbed into its target, as
2 ) Altho I did not assert this before in this thread,
I can make a case in support of the proposition
that the use of money can create love
(based upon my personal observation).
For instance
In the early 1990s, I had occasion to throw some dimes, quarters n half dollars
out into the grass in front of some children; a little like an Easter egg hunt.
Strangers. I went on my way, while thay looked for the coins.
As to 3 of those children,
their father was a very money-conscious person.
He contrived a situation whereby his 2 older children sought me out
and befriended me. Thay invited me over for dinner.
Thay invited me over for birthdays. Thay invited me over for graduations.
Thay called me at home; thay wrote to me at home. Thay wanted me to go out with them,
especially to their back-to-school shopping expedition,
to whose finanacing I contributed, after the father arranged for me
to take his family into town. Now clearly, the father did
not bear
LOVE to me; he saw an opportunity. However, the other members of the
family were genuinely less mercenary.
From the inception of hurling cash,
warm friendships grew among us of strong mutual good will.
I have not seen them for around ten years,
but I do not regret our association; it was a fun part of my life.
To the extent that it was financially exploitive,
I don 't mind; not then n not now.
Yet, this is distinct from situations wherein young ladies of an age to be
my grandchild try to get too close, for obvious reasons.
I am not going to be like that old man in the wheelchair who married
Anna Nicole Smith.
Quote:I grew up with nothing but love and I was a happy kid.
I had love too,
but I was
happier with cash around,
to mitigate my lonliness n boredom.
I lived long enough without any money to understand and respect the importance of money.
But money isn't even close to everything.
It is not
freedom is important too.
Quote:It certainly isn't love.
Of itself, money is metal or paper.
I believe that love is expressed
to a person as kindness, and if that kindness is successful, it is absorbed as