Mark Morford's Morning Fix 9/12/03
Economists Also Predict Surface Of Sun To Be "Way Super Hot"
BushCo's request for $87 billion in new spending for Iraq and Afghanistan will worsen already gloomy forecasts for the budget deficit -- sending it above the half-trillion-dollar mark next year -- and could ultimately translate into weaker economic growth in the U.S.
That is the assessment of totally brilliant private economists who believe
the surging federal deficits will mean trouble down the road in the form of rising interest rates and higher inflation, because they are goddamn freakin' geniuses, those economists,
I mean wow, who coulda figured that dumping $87 bil more on the raging political cesspool that is Iraq at a time when the US economy is more sunken and hollow that Maria Shriver's creepy cheeks might weaken the economy overall and send us further into a goddamn fiscal and socio-cultural tailspin?
Oh my God! In related news, there was one private economist somewhere in Poughkeepsie who actually said dumping $87 bil into the black hole that is Iraq will actually help U.S. schools and provide for more jobs and make small children happy and flowers bloom and might actually make Maria Shriver seem remotely human. He was summarily bitch-slapped until he cried.