Wed 2 Jul, 2008 08:36 am
Odds Columnist Gets Involved in $1-Million Swift Boat Dispute
By Dave Astor - E & P
Published: July 01, 2008 8:17 PM ET
Universal Press Syndicate odds columnist Benjamin Eckstein has offered to help resolve a $1-million dispute related to the GOP's Swift Boat smearing of John Kerry in 2004.
T. Boone Pickens reportedly offered anyone $1 million to disprove his claims about Kerry's experience during the Vietnam War. The Texas billionaire had helped finance an anti-Kerry campaign alleging that the Democratic presidential candidate lied about how courageous his service was in the war.
Now, Swift Boat veterans in support of Kerry have called Pickens on his bet, arguing that they have proof to disprove Pickens' statements and thus have won the money.
Eckstein -- who does political odds in addition to "America's Line" sports odds and "Hollywood & Line" entertainment odds -- was quoted in an story as saying it would be "sacrilegious" not to follow through on a bet.
"In the world of betting and gambling, your word is your bond," he said. "Whether it's a $7 bet or a $500,000 bet, once it's made and once you shake on it, it should be done."
Eckstein has made offers to both sides suggesting his own oversight or the help of a panel to determine who won the wager and what awards might be in order.
Is it Welcher or Whelsher?
Joe(enquiring minds want to point at the weasel)Nation
It's really difficult for weasels to face facts. Which is why they are seldom foolish enough to make any kind of bet. Pickens needs to be made to pay.
Joe(It's the Cowboy way)Nation
This is ongoing from last November when Kerry first took Pickens up
Kerry takes on Pickens challenge
Pickens it seems decided he needed to change the basis of the payment from his original challenge to make it an actual bet where he controlled who wins.
A little more reading on it.
Crew mates send letter to Pickens
The letter that discusses the evidence disputing the claims.
Letter to Pickens
Isn't Pickens the bum who creatied junk bonds?