I know that yellow sauce kind of thingy that kev is talking abt - I have no idea what it is. I am sure abt only one thing, it is NOT something we Indians eat.
Margo, Kebabs orginaly come from the North Eastern part of the Indian subcontinent - afghanistan/pakistan/Kashmir borders. The middle eastern kebabs are slightly different from the Indian ones - Indians tend to deep fry the meat more often than roast/bake it - which I believe is the way ME kebabs are made.
Indians tend to eat kebabs with a even more hot corriander chutney along with spiced and sliced onions. I can give u a recipie if you want.
Piffka - take a flat cast iron pan (what we call as tawa) - heat it to a high temp and roast the cummin seeds on it till they start turning slightly black (take care not to burn them

A man who can give cooking tips - does that make me even more desirable ??
