Is it wrong to view child pornography?

Fri 4 Jul, 2008 10:29 am
I've never been able to understand what a paedophile's ideal romantic relationship would involve... would they like to drive their partner home from school, help them with their homework, have a stimulating conversation about High School Musical and Justin Timerberlake, then tuck them into bed after Blue Peter?
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 11:35 am
agrote said
I support the paedophile's right to use pictures of previous crimes against children, to aid his harmless sexual fantasies. I do not support any paedophile's belief that it is okay to actually go out and rape children.
Do you not subscribe to the general notion the individuals should not be allowed to profit from ill gotten gains? If you do then why is this situation different? I don't think that we should make pictures of crimes illegal, and I am aware that there are people who get off on looking at stuff like pics of murder victims and who get off on it...so far as I know this is not a crime. But I am not sure that I agree with your above statement
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 02:11 pm
agrote wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Of course I'm attacking your character/sickness.

So now my entire character is sick?

I don't know your entire character. The part I've seen is sick.

I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your illness.

What for? Is that what you'd do if I was schizophrenic? Attack my schizophrenia? If I had a cancerous growth on my neck, would you attack it?

If you had a cancerous growth on you neck, I would remove that pound of flesh.

(Is that the quote you were thinking of, gus?)
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 02:21 pm
You've brought this schizophrenia dodge before, Bubba. Any schizophrenic who commits criminal acts is liable for the consequences of their acts, even if it is only to be incarcerated for the purpose of being forced to undergo treatment.

Tell ya what, Bubba, check into a reputable facility for the treatment of psychologically morbid pathologies, and stick with the program to rid you of your paedophiliac obsession, and you might deserve respect.

Otherwise, i remain convinced that you're just getting your jollies parading your paedophilia with impunity.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 04:10 pm
stealing from someone else whom I generally agree with:
Paedophilia (in America pedophilia) is a sexual orientation, a predilection, a pattern of thought. It is not a behaviour, thoughts cannot, in a decent free society, be crimes. Therefore paedophilia cannot be considered a crime.

The media all too often these days use the word paedophilia to mean serial rape and murder of children. This is an abuse of language that seems designed specifically to render understanding impossible. A man who has sexually abused children on two occasions is described as a dangerous man, who might graduate to become a paedophile. That is ridiculous. If you mean child killer use the words. They are quite simple and clear. Paedophile means lover of children like anglophile means lover of things English. It does not mean child killer.

There are people who are not sexually attracted to adults of either sex but are sexually attracted to children. These people are paedophiles. This is what paedophilia is, the sexual attraction towards children. Just as many Christian churches draw a distinction between people with homosexual tendencies and those who indulge in homosexual activity we should be quite clear that there is a fundamental difference between being sexually attracted by thoughts of children and chopping up children and burying the bodies. The criminal law does not punish people for wanting to have more money, but it does have sanctions against people who act on that desire in ways which infringe the rights of others. The same is true of paedophilia. Being sexually attracted to children is not a crime, it can't be, thoughts alone cannot be criminal...

Many at a2k should take heed to the conclusion
...Paedophilia is not a crime but it does present problems. As a society we should have the strength to accept that some people simply do have urges we (and probably they) would rather they didn't have. But simply getting very annoyed, unreasonable and violent isn't going to help anybody. Being violently bigoted didn't stop people having homosexual urges either. No problem is ever solved by a refusal to understand it as if that alone would make it go away.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 04:24 pm
What is it about one's
(A) being in favour of allowing paedophiles to view child porn, that commits one to being
(B) in favour of allowing paedophiles to rape children?

How does B follow from A?

Just returned from nightwork and off to sleep, so havent fully read everything, but I've already explained this, and it's so obvious that it shouldn't need to be explained
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 06:37 pm
Agrote: are rules regarding a minor's incapacity to form consent justified on consequentialist grounds? In other words, is the rule that minors, for instance, are incapable of consenting to enter into contracts productive of more utility than a rule that states otherwise?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 07:40 pm
hawkeye10's dimwitted source wrote:
...Paedophilia is not a crime but it does present problems. As a society we should have the strength to accept that some people simply do have urges we (and probably they) would rather they didn't have. But simply getting very annoyed, unreasonable and violent isn't going to help anybody. Being violently bigoted didn't stop people having homosexual urges either. No problem is ever solved by a refusal to understand it as if that alone would make it go away.

This entails the same idiotic bullshit that Agrote attempted to peddle earlier, to the effect that homosexuality is aberrant behavior, and equivalent to paedophilia. The huge divide between heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality between consenting adults, and the paedophile exploiting children incapable of informed consent apparently just shoots over your boy's head there--just as it does for Agrote and for you. You steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the concept of informed consent. I'm not surprised that you "generally agree" with this half-wit--he thinks just like you do, which is to say, rarely, and not very well at all.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 07:43 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
stealing from someone else whom I generally agree with:
Paedophilia (in America pedophilia) is a sexual orientation, a predilection, a pattern of thought. It is not a behaviour, thoughts cannot, in a decent free society, be crimes. Therefore paedophilia cannot be considered a crime.

The media all too often these days use the word paedophilia to mean serial rape and murder of children. This is an abuse of language that seems designed specifically to render understanding impossible. A man who has sexually abused children on two occasions is described as a dangerous man, who might graduate to become a paedophile. That is ridiculous. If you mean child killer use the words. They are quite simple and clear. Paedophile means lover of children like anglophile means lover of things English. It does not mean child killer.

There are people who are not sexually attracted to adults of either sex but are sexually attracted to children. These people are paedophiles. This is what paedophilia is, the sexual attraction towards children. Just as many Christian churches draw a distinction between people with homosexual tendencies and those who indulge in homosexual activity we should be quite clear that there is a fundamental difference between being sexually attracted by thoughts of children and chopping up children and burying the bodies. The criminal law does not punish people for wanting to have more money, but it does have sanctions against people who act on that desire in ways which infringe the rights of others. The same is true of paedophilia. Being sexually attracted to children is not a crime, it can't be, thoughts alone cannot be criminal...

Many at a2k should take heed to the conclusion
...Paedophilia is not a crime but it does present problems. As a society we should have the strength to accept that some people simply do have urges we (and probably they) would rather they didn't have. But simply getting very annoyed, unreasonable and violent isn't going to help anybody. Being violently bigoted didn't stop people having homosexual urges either. No problem is ever solved by a refusal to understand it as if that alone would make it go away.

It is not necessary to disagree with what you have posted to disagree with you.

I have no ill-will at all towards people attracted to children. In fact, having worked with paedophiles, I also bear them, themselves, no ill-will....., I have considerable sympathy for their plight (though I find this much harder to find with ones who use intelligence and access to power to attempt to make others see their actions as anything but abuse) however I will do anything within my power to make it impossible for them to abuse children.

However, as people have repeatedly explained to you, you are not discussing people who are attracted to children, you are supporting the right of such people to have access to photographs of criminal assault upon children to enjoy.

In doing so you are supporting access to material which raises the risk of some of these people going on to actually physically abuse children directly, instead of having the physical abuse done for them.

You are also supporting the widening of the circle of those who witness a child's trauma, thus participating in the ongoing emotional traumatising of children who become aware of how the crime scene photographs of their abuse are being used.

You are also, as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, supporting the abuse of actual children by supporting the ever-widening market for this abuse, and supporting measures which would make it far harder to prosecute those abusing kids to meet this market.

While some here are reacting viscerally and, in my view, unhelpfully (including me on one occasion in this thread) the arguments against your support for abuse are quite clear and reasoned. Don't try to hide behind the "you're all just being emotional and unevolved" smokescreen.

It won't work.

By the way...Set just highlighted soomething I hadn't noticed.

A man who has sexually abused a child on two occasions IS a dangerous criminal. He may not go on to murder etc, but he has committed two serious crimes, and is a high risk for goiing on to perform more.

I had thought your source fairly reasoned, but that sentence is utter nonsense.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 10:14 pm
dlowan wrote:
You are also, as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, supporting the abuse of actual children by supporting the ever-widening market for this abuse, and supporting measures which would make it far harder to prosecute those abusing kids to meet this market.

While some here are reacting viscerally and, in my view, unhelpfully (including me on one occasion in this thread) the arguments against your support for abuse are quite clear and reasoned. Don't try to hide behind the "you're all just being emotional and unevolved" smokescreen.

It won't work.

By the way...Set just highlighted soomething I hadn't noticed.

A man who has sexually abused a child on two occasions IS a dangerous criminal. He may not go on to murder etc, but he has committed two serious crimes, and is a high risk for goiing on to perform more.

I had thought your source fairly reasoned, but that sentence is utter nonsense.

I don't generally go for "the ends justify the means" I work by way of codes and principles. I support the right to have our own thoughts, to be turned on by what we are turned on to, and the right to act on our urges to limits. We say " child porn" but not all that can be called that is the same thing. I certainly have a problem with the idea of a child rapist being allowed trophies in the form of pics, I am hoping that agrote will give a reasonable explanation for how that is OK. You seem to forget that I am OK with not allowing pics of children under the AOC (though I would like to move the AOC) and generally I am OK with disallowing teens sexual freedom if it will make society more at ease with allowing adult sexual freedom.

I certainly agree that an individual who has violated kids once should not be allowed the same freedom as everyone else, though in America we seem to have taken this too far by often not allowing them to work and making it very difficult to find a place to live. Making it impossible for them to abuse another kid....that often gets very tricky to do with out violating social norms and principles that are worth protecting..justice, freedom, individual rights, the right to speech and so on. Sometimes the best we can do is watch closely, make the penalty for a repeat offence very high, and make sure that they know before hand what will happen if they can't keep their urges in check.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 09:03 am
If what is written here is truly what Agrote believes, then I don't see the point nor any reason to try to discuss nor argue with him.

I think a skilled mental health worker should be doing any and all discussing with him, and he shouldn't be on forums even where younger people have access to.

It's not just what you do as far as crimes that matter. It's everything you are and stand for, and bring into this world.

Frankly, my first reaction was something Set brought up on this last page. That Agrote gets off parading these ideas around (and nobody can really do much to stop him).

In the case of being able to spread ideas and have a voice - as far as I am concerned - even that is up for grabs if you are a possible harm to children.

Sickness doesn't have a 'right' to spread itself, and people with their senses about them are not going to stand idly by while even a potential disease spreads itself. They are going to take preventive measures.

The holes in the logic of being able to look at children being abused in pictures, and a p's "right" to satisfy himself sexually however he feels he "must", even IF those weren't there - you would still be a threat to children.

And a threat is big enough a problem for people to take action.

I'd be real worried if adults were all of a sudden eager to defend a p's "rights" to get off over those of defenseless children.

Children come first. You getting off second. That's as it should be.

And if that means going without sex or sexual release for the rest of your days, so be it. I don't feel a bit of remorse.

Most of us would feel remorse if there was even an inkling of a possibility we let someone do something that was a harm to a child and we could have done something to stop it.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:20 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
agrote said
I support the paedophile's right to use pictures of previous crimes against children, to aid his harmless sexual fantasies. I do not support any paedophile's belief that it is okay to actually go out and rape children.
Do you not subscribe to the general notion the individuals should not be allowed to profit from ill gotten gains? If you do then why is this situation different? I don't think that we should make pictures of crimes illegal, and I am aware that there are people who get off on looking at stuff like pics of murder victims and who get off on it...so far as I know this is not a crime. But I am not sure that I agree with your above statement

It's okay to profit from something terrible as long as the situation wouldn't be any better if you weren't profiting from it. It's okay for new reporters to get paid to report murders and wars and other nasty things. And I think it's okay to be aroused by pictures of sex crimes. There is a problem, however, when people are aroused by committing sex crimes, or when they profit financially from committing them, because this will encourage them to keep committing them.

The arousal gained by the paedophile who views child porn may encourage him to view more child porn. But it won't, by itself, encourage him to harm children.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:26 am
Setanta wrote:
You've brought this schizophrenia dodge before, Bubba. Any schizophrenic who commits criminal acts is liable for the consequences of their acts, even if it is only to be incarcerated for the purpose of being forced to undergo treatment.

Big flaw in your argument here. I don't commit criminal acts.

Tell ya what, Bubba, check into a reputable facility for the treatment of psychologically morbid pathologies, and stick with the program to rid you of your paedophiliac obsession, and you might deserve respect.

It's not an obsession. And if I thought there was a way of replacing it with ordinary adult heterosexuality, I'd do it. Unfortunately, you can't really change your sexual orientation.

Otherwise, i remain convinced that you're just getting your jollies parading your paedophilia with impunity.

Parading my ethical beliefs. Not my paedophilia.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:31 am
vikorr wrote:
What is it about one's
(A) being in favour of allowing paedophiles to view child porn, that commits one to being
(B) in favour of allowing paedophiles to rape children?

How does B follow from A?

Just returned from nightwork and off to sleep, so havent fully read everything, but I've already explained this, and it's so obvious that it shouldn't need to be explained

It's not obvious at all, as I've been trying to tell you. Looking at pictures of crime X is not the same as committing crime X. My proposal that we shouldn't punish those who look at pictures of crime X does not entail the proposal that we shouldn't punish those who commit crime X. Obviously we should punish people who brutally rape children. But it is less obvious (though possible) that we should punish those who look at pictures of people brutally raping children.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:34 am
Setanta wrote:
hawkeye10's dimwitted source wrote:
...Paedophilia is not a crime but it does present problems. As a society we should have the strength to accept that some people simply do have urges we (and probably they) would rather they didn't have. But simply getting very annoyed, unreasonable and violent isn't going to help anybody. Being violently bigoted didn't stop people having homosexual urges either. No problem is ever solved by a refusal to understand it as if that alone would make it go away.

This entails the same idiotic bullshit that Agrote attempted to peddle earlier, to the effect that homosexuality is aberrant behavior, and equivalent to paedophilia. The huge divide between heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality between consenting adults, and the paedophile exploiting children incapable of informed consent apparently just shoots over your boy's head there--just as it does for Agrote and for you. You steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the concept of informed consent. I'm not surprised that you "generally agree" with this half-wit--he thinks just like you do, which is to say, rarely, and not very well at all.

You steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the distinction between desires and actions. There is no need for anybody to constent to your having thoughts about them.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:38 am
mushypancakes wrote:
Sickness doesn't have a 'right' to spread itself, and people with their senses about them are not going to stand idly by while even a potential disease spreads itself. They are going to take preventive measures.

Mental illnesses aren't contageous. Are you seriously afraid that I might convert somebody to paedophilia? Do you really think that's possible? That I could actually make you want to have sex with children, just by talking to you?

Children come first. You getting off second. That's as it should be.

I accept that completely. But preventing paedophiles from getting off on free child porn does nothing to protect children. You don't need to police thoughts. Thoughts by themselves are not going to harm children.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:41 am
agrote wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
agrote said
I support the paedophile's right to use pictures of previous crimes against children, to aid his harmless sexual fantasies. I do not support any paedophile's belief that it is okay to actually go out and rape children.
Do you not subscribe to the general notion the individuals should not be allowed to profit from ill gotten gains? If you do then why is this situation different? I don't think that we should make pictures of crimes illegal, and I am aware that there are people who get off on looking at stuff like pics of murder victims and who get off on it...so far as I know this is not a crime. But I am not sure that I agree with your above statement

It's okay to profit from something terrible as long as the situation wouldn't be any better if you weren't profiting from it. It's okay for new reporters to get paid to report murders and wars and other nasty things. And I think it's okay to be aroused by pictures of sex crimes. There is a problem, however, when people are aroused by committing sex crimes, or when they profit financially from committing them, because this will encourage them to keep committing them.

The arousal gained by the paedophile who views child porn may encourage him to view more child porn. But it won't, by itself, encourage him to harm children.

You have avoided the question. The question is why is it ok to let an individual profit from his ill gotten gains? The profit is sexual arousal derived from looking at his trophies, the ill gotten part is abusing kids. This question has no connection that I can see to the safety of kids or any future acts by the abuser. It involves only profit from past acts.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:43 am
Moving this here from Boom's thread:

agrote wrote:
Every single click on a porn site is worth money. Yes, even the freebees, because that count is how they sell space to advertisers...

Not if there aren't any advertisers.

...and it also goes into the calculation of what the domain itself is worth.

What if the images are posted in a forum or a blog, where the domain is not owned by the child porn producers, and none of them oney produced by people clicking on the site goes into the pockets of people who abuse children?

2. To trade for more porn: In this case; he who wants porn will increase his likelihood of getting it by supplying porn of his own. He who views encourages production by default, whether he wants to or not.

How does your second sentence follow from your first? If you want porn, you're more likely to get it if you rape a child, film it, and offer the footage to other people with child porn. Okay. I understand that.

But the act of viewing child porn itself remains harmless. Looking at some child porn (in a blog or forum) doesn't encourage anybody else to make more child porn. And it doesn't even encourage you to make more child porn. Your first sentence suggests that not being able to access child porn might encourage you to go out and rape a kid and film it, so that you can get some more child porn.

Good effort, but I don't think you've quite managed to demonstrate that merely viewing child porn is a necessarily harmful act.

Accepting porn from any source therefore encourages its production. In the case of child porn it is no differentÂ… except that said contribution is contributing to a heinous crime.

The number of hits on the forum message you've just written is not going to encourage you to write more messages. You will be encouraged by what other people write, not by how many people read what you've written. Similarly, merely looking at images of child porn in a forum will not encourage more images of child porn to be created and posted.
Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. Watch:
Right Click on the picture I just posted and examine the properties.

You will notice the picture is actually a link to a web address. Each time this page is loaded, not only has A2K received a valuable 'click', but so has the page that is hosting that picture. As a surfing pervert; you can have no idea where a pic is hosted until after you've already monetized it by opening the page in the first place.

Your dance is BS and you damn well know it.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:44 am
joefromchicago wrote:
Agrote: are rules regarding a minor's incapacity to form consent justified on consequentialist grounds? In other words, is the rule that minors, for instance, are incapable of consenting to enter into contracts productive of more utility than a rule that states otherwise?

Consent isn't relevant to the issue of whether paedophiles should be allowed to view child porn. You don't need someone's consent to have sexual thoughts about them.

But in answer to your questions, I don't think that consent is ethically important. Some non-consnentual actions are harmful (such as rape), and some aren't (such as forcing a child to take a bath). Some consentual actions are harmful (such as boxing matches), and some aren't (such as games of chess). Consent doesn't seem to have very much to do with the maximisation of human well-being. Sex with children should be forbidden on the basis that it harms them, not on the basis that they can't consent (they don't always consent to taking a bath, but we don't forbid parents from making their children bathe).
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:45 am
mushypancakes wrote:
If what is written here is truly what Agrote believes, then I don't see the point nor any reason to try to discuss nor argue with him.

I think a skilled mental health worker should be doing any and all discussing with him, and he shouldn't be on forums even where younger people have access to.

It's not just what you do as far as crimes that matter. It's everything you are and stand for, and bring into this world.

Frankly, my first reaction was something Set brought up on this last page. That Agrote gets off parading these ideas around (and nobody can really do much to stop him).

In the case of being able to spread ideas and have a voice - as far as I am concerned - even that is up for grabs if you are a possible harm to children.

Sickness doesn't have a 'right' to spread itself, and people with their senses about them are not going to stand idly by while even a potential disease spreads itself. They are going to take preventive measures.

The holes in the logic of being able to look at children being abused in pictures, and a p's "right" to satisfy himself sexually however he feels he "must", even IF those weren't there - you would still be a threat to children.

And a threat is big enough a problem for people to take action.

I'd be real worried if adults were all of a sudden eager to defend a p's "rights" to get off over those of defenseless children.

Children come first. You getting off second. That's as it should be.

And if that means going without sex or sexual release for the rest of your days, so be it. I don't feel a bit of remorse.

Most of us would feel remorse if there was even an inkling of a possibility we let someone do something that was a harm to a child and we could have done something to stop it.

nicely illustrating the American propensity to throw everything we say we believe in as a democratic and free society out the window to "protect the kids". Actions based upon fear, especially some nebulous fear of boggy men, rarely results in smart choices (see iraq for most current illustration).
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