Is it wrong to view child pornography?

Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:46 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
agrote wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
agrote said
I support the paedophile's right to use pictures of previous crimes against children, to aid his harmless sexual fantasies. I do not support any paedophile's belief that it is okay to actually go out and rape children.
Do you not subscribe to the general notion the individuals should not be allowed to profit from ill gotten gains? If you do then why is this situation different? I don't think that we should make pictures of crimes illegal, and I am aware that there are people who get off on looking at stuff like pics of murder victims and who get off on it...so far as I know this is not a crime. But I am not sure that I agree with your above statement

It's okay to profit from something terrible as long as the situation wouldn't be any better if you weren't profiting from it. It's okay for new reporters to get paid to report murders and wars and other nasty things. And I think it's okay to be aroused by pictures of sex crimes. There is a problem, however, when people are aroused by committing sex crimes, or when they profit financially from committing them, because this will encourage them to keep committing them.

The arousal gained by the paedophile who views child porn may encourage him to view more child porn. But it won't, by itself, encourage him to harm children.

You have avoided the question. The question is why is it ok to let an individual profit from his ill gotten gains? The profit is sexual arousal derived from looking at his trophies, the ill gotten part is abusing kids. This question has no connection that I can see to the safety of kids or any future acts by the abuser. It involves only profit from past acts.

I'm a consequentialist. I mention the safety of kids and the possibility of future acts because those are the consequences that spring to mind, that might make it consequentially wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains. I don't think it is wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains as a matter of principle. If it is wrong, it is wrong because it limits the maximisation of well-being. I don't think it necessarily does limit this, so I don't think it is necessarily wrong.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:51 am
You will notice the picture is actually a link to a web address. Each time this page is loaded, not only has A2K received a valuable 'click', but so has the page that is hosting that picture. As a surfing pervert; you can have no idea where a pic is hosted until after you've already monetized it by opening the page in the first place.

Your dance is BS and you damn well know it.

I don't damn well know it. This is news to me.

If a paedophile uploads child porn onto a forum, where will the images be hosted? On his computer? On a site for hosting pictures, not affiiliated with the producer of the child porn, and not able to provide any financial gain for the producer of the child porn?

If the images are hosted in one of those ways, then it seems the paedophile won't profit. The question of whether it is wrong to view child porn now boils down to the question of where free images of child porn are typically hosted. Right?
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:52 am
I'm a consequentialist. I mention the safety of kids and the possibility of future acts because those are the consequences that spring to mind, that might make it consequentially wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains. I don't think it is wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains as a matter of principle. If it is wrong, it is wrong because it limits the maximisation of well-being. I don't think it necessarily does limit this, so I don't think it is necessarily wrong.
you reallize of course that you are at odds with a core principle of Western Law, and that society will not be changing this principle.....
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:54 am
I see useless, circular arguing and not a debate (at all) that's worth participating.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:56 am
Another thing worth noting is that, while it may be the case that images of child porn are hosted in a way that allows the producers of the child porn to profit from people viewing it... this will only make it wrong to view child porn. It won't make it a terrible thing to do. Giving a tiny financial reward (or a small possibility of a tiny financial reward) to a child abuser is bad. But not that bad. It's not as bad as actually purchasing child porn for a substantial amount ofm oney. And it's nowhere near as bad as actually abusing a child. It doesn't even come close.

But I'm not conceding that images of child porn actually are hosted in a way that allows the producers of the child porn to be financially reward for abusing children. I don't know whether this is the case, but perhaps you can enlighten me.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:57 am
Ragman wrote:
I see useless, circular arguing and not a debate (at all) that's worth participating.

Where are the circles, Ragman? Show me a piece of circular reasoning.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 11:59 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
I'm a consequentialist. I mention the safety of kids and the possibility of future acts because those are the consequences that spring to mind, that might make it consequentially wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains. I don't think it is wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains as a matter of principle. If it is wrong, it is wrong because it limits the maximisation of well-being. I don't think it necessarily does limit this, so I don't think it is necessarily wrong.
you reallize of course that you are at odds with a core principle of Western Law, and that society will not be changing this principle.....

Yes. Well, they won't change it in the near future. And Western law has been influenced by consequentialist reasoning. Homosexuality was legalsied in my country because it doesn't have bad consequences. The moral absolutist condemnation of it was done away with.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:02 pm
agrote wrote:
Ragman wrote:
I see useless, circular arguing and not a debate (at all) that's worth participating.

Where are the circles, Ragman? Show me a piece of circular reasoning.

This has been well documented by others already. You're in denial so what would be the benefit of repeating? The value of further participation here has been reached for me.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:05 pm
agrote wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
I'm a consequentialist. I mention the safety of kids and the possibility of future acts because those are the consequences that spring to mind, that might make it consequentially wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains. I don't think it is wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains as a matter of principle. If it is wrong, it is wrong because it limits the maximisation of well-being. I don't think it necessarily does limit this, so I don't think it is necessarily wrong.
you reallize of course that you are at odds with a core principle of Western Law, and that society will not be changing this principle.....

Yes. Well, they won't change it in the near future. And Western law has been influenced by consequentialist reasoning. Homosexuality was legalsied in my country because it doesn't have bad consequences. The moral absolutist condemnation of it was done away with.

You're kidding right?? The consequence of letting people profit from ill gotten gain is that you encourage them to go after ill gotten gain. It is human nature, greed, this will never change, thus the morality stance against ill gotten gain will never change, thus the law will never change. The fact that you think that it might shows that you are detached from reality.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:09 pm
agrote wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
Agrote: are rules regarding a minor's incapacity to form consent justified on consequentialist grounds? In other words, is the rule that minors, for instance, are incapable of consenting to enter into contracts productive of more utility than a rule that states otherwise?

Consent isn't relevant to the issue of whether paedophiles should be allowed to view child porn. You don't need someone's consent to have sexual thoughts about them.

That's fine. If someone ever makes that argument, you be sure to give them that response.

agrote wrote:
But in answer to your questions, I don't think that consent is ethically important. ... Consent doesn't seem to have very much to do with the maximisation of human well-being. ...

(edited to remove all of the irrelevant stuff) That's a rather puzzling position for you to take. Elsewhere you have asserted: "I personally want to engage in consentual [sic] sex with pubescent girls." If consent isn't ethically important, why does it matter whether the pubescent girls give their consent or not?
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:10 pm
agrote wrote:
You will notice the picture is actually a link to a web address. Each time this page is loaded, not only has A2K received a valuable 'click', but so has the page that is hosting that picture. As a surfing pervert; you can have no idea where a pic is hosted until after you've already monetized it by opening the page in the first place.

Your dance is BS and you damn well know it.

I don't damn well know it. This is news to me.

If a paedophile uploads child porn onto a forum, where will the images be hosted? On his computer? On a site for hosting pictures, not affiiliated with the producer of the child porn, and not able to provide any financial gain for the producer of the child porn?

If the images are hosted in one of those ways, then it seems the paedophile won't profit. The question of whether it is wrong to view child porn now boils down to the question of where free images of child porn are typically hosted. Right?
You're still doing a meaningless dance.

A. Since you will never be able to know where a pic is hosted until you've already opened the pervert-page in the first place; more opened pages will inevitably amount to more monetized 'clicks'. The multi-billion dollar juggernaut that is Google operates on this simple principle. Google is one of very few web presences more profitable than porn. If by some chance you are telling the truth, and you really didn't know what I just made clear enough for one of your younger victims to understand; you do now. It is not a difficult concept.

B. Since child porn is illegal in most places; it is exceedingly unlikely that many child porn providers are hosting the heinous evidence to convict them on their own computer. It is equally unlikely that many hosts will allow it. Regardless of how many there may be who do; YOU still can't know where it's hosted until after you've opened the page. Hence; each time you even search for your disgusting pics, some percentage of your clicks will monetize them whether you want them to or not. There is no hole for you to squirm out of here.
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Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:12 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

nicely illustrating the American propensity to throw everything we say we believe in as a democratic and free society out the window to "protect the kids". Actions based upon fear, especially some nebulous fear of boggy men, rarely results in smart choices (see iraq for most current illustration).

lol. Well, I'm not even an American, but that is besides the point.

To me it's common sense.

I don't argue with drunks, and I don't argue with people who push agendas that go against my core values.

The fact is neither one will get anything out of that.

Honestly, I find your comment totally out to lunch (so to speak) and out of blue. So you disagree with me - yet haven't even bothered to find out what I actually believe in.

Anyways, I agree with Ragman at this point. No real point hanging around here any longer. Nothing good can come of it.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:20 pm
agrote wrote:
Another thing worth noting is that, while it may be the case that images of child porn are hosted in a way that allows the producers of the child porn to profit from people viewing it... this will only make it wrong to view child porn. It won't make it a terrible thing to do. Giving a tiny financial reward (or a small possibility of a tiny financial reward) to a child abuser is bad. But not that bad. It's not as bad as actually purchasing child porn for a substantial amount ofm oney. And it's nowhere near as bad as actually abusing a child. It doesn't even come close.
This is utter nonsense. If the sum total of your contribution to child porn producers is X, it matters little if you provide it in fractions of a cent at a time or as a lump sum. The result is X either way.

agrote wrote:
But I'm not conceding that images of child porn actually are hosted in a way that allows the producers of the child porn to be financially reward for abusing children. I don't know whether this is the case, but perhaps you can enlighten me.
I just did in my last post.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 12:26 pm
mushypancakes wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:

nicely illustrating the American propensity to throw everything we say we believe in as a democratic and free society out the window to "protect the kids". Actions based upon fear, especially some nebulous fear of boggy men, rarely results in smart choices (see iraq for most current illustration).

lol. Well, I'm not even an American, but that is besides the point.

To me it's common sense.

I don't argue with drunks, and I don't argue with people who push agendas that go against my core values.

The fact is neither one will get anything out of that.

Honestly, I find your comment totally out to lunch (so to speak) and out of blue. So you disagree with me - yet haven't even bothered to find out what I actually believe in.

Anyways, I agree with Ragman at this point. No real point hanging around here any longer. Nothing good can come of it.

Hopefully you do some form of cost/benefit analysis. Your post reads like it was written by one of those fools who will say "if it only saves one life then it is worth doing", no matter what the cost and consequences of the effort to save is. If you are brighter than that then I am sorry for lumping you in with them.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Jul, 2008 02:27 pm
As a matter of both practicality and legal technicality :

It's rather hard to prove that someone is looking at child porn, without there being physical evidence of the porn (eg porn stored on a computer hard drive)

Agrote seems to be saying that pedo's shouldn't be charged for possessing child porn, unless the police can prove that the pedo's paid for the child porn.

With just a little bit of computer knowledge (and given that pedo's want to hide their activities, one would think most would acquire some computer knowledge), how could anyone prove that porn was downloaded from a pay site, a 'free' site or other?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 08:40 am
Ragman wrote:
agrote wrote:
Ragman wrote:
I see useless, circular arguing and not a debate (at all) that's worth participating.

Where are the circles, Ragman? Show me a piece of circular reasoning.

This has been well documented by others already. You're in denial so what would be the benefit of repeating?

It would prove that you aren't making things up, which you clearly are. I may have made some factual errors, but I haven't been begging the question, and nobody has 'documented' this.

The value of further participation here has been reached for me.

So why are you participating?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 08:42 am
agrote wrote:
The arousal gained by the paedophile who views child porn may encourage him to view more child porn. But it won't, by itself, encourage him to harm children.

Do you have anything to support this?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 08:45 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
agrote wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
I'm a consequentialist. I mention the safety of kids and the possibility of future acts because those are the consequences that spring to mind, that might make it consequentially wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains. I don't think it is wrong to profit from ill-gotten gains as a matter of principle. If it is wrong, it is wrong because it limits the maximisation of well-being. I don't think it necessarily does limit this, so I don't think it is necessarily wrong.
you reallize of course that you are at odds with a core principle of Western Law, and that society will not be changing this principle.....

Yes. Well, they won't change it in the near future. And Western law has been influenced by consequentialist reasoning. Homosexuality was legalsied in my country because it doesn't have bad consequences. The moral absolutist condemnation of it was done away with.

You're kidding right?? The consequence of letting people profit from ill gotten gain is that you encourage them to go after ill gotten gain.

If that is the case, then consequentialists have a reason to disapprove (at least to some extent) of letting people profit from ill gotten gain. Fine. What's the problem here>

It is human nature, greed, this will never change, thus the morality stance against ill gotten gain will never change, thus the law will never change.

Those things don't follow from one another. The law changes all the time, often based on consequentialist reasoning, as in the example of homosoexuality which I gave. Despite our "human nature", we are capable of rationality and we are capable of making rational moral judgments and laws which correspond to them. It's not an easy thing to do, but it's not impossible.

The fact that you think that it might shows that you are detached from reality.[/quote]
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 08:56 am
joefromchicago wrote:
agrote wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
Agrote: are rules regarding a minor's incapacity to form consent justified on consequentialist grounds? In other words, is the rule that minors, for instance, are incapable of consenting to enter into contracts productive of more utility than a rule that states otherwise?

Consent isn't relevant to the issue of whether paedophiles should be allowed to view child porn. You don't need someone's consent to have sexual thoughts about them.

That's fine. If someone ever makes that argument, you be sure to give them that response.

Yes, I realise it isn't an argument you were making. But you've brought up the issue of consent in a thread about a topic to which consent is not relevent. Which is fine, and I'm happy to discuss it - I just wanted to make it clear to you or anyone that reads this that consent is not an issue when it comes to viewing child porn, which was the original topic of the thread.

agrote wrote:
But in answer to your questions, I don't think that consent is ethically important. ... Consent doesn't seem to have very much to do with the maximisation of human well-being. ...

(edited to remove all of the irrelevant stuff) That's a rather puzzling position for you to take. Elsewhere you have asserted: "I personally want to engage in consentual [sic] sex with pubescent girls." If consent isn't ethically important, why does it matter whether the pubescent girls give their consent or not?[/quote]

It matters to me personally. I don't like the idea of having sex with somebody who doesn't want me to have sex with them.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Jul, 2008 09:04 am
agrote wrote:
You will notice the picture is actually a link to a web address. Each time this page is loaded, not only has A2K received a valuable 'click', but so has the page that is hosting that picture. As a surfing pervert; you can have no idea where a pic is hosted until after you've already monetized it by opening the page in the first place.

Your dance is BS and you damn well know it.

I don't damn well know it. This is news to me.

If a paedophile uploads child porn onto a forum, where will the images be hosted? On his computer? On a site for hosting pictures, not affiiliated with the producer of the child porn, and not able to provide any financial gain for the producer of the child porn?

If the images are hosted in one of those ways, then it seems the paedophile won't profit. The question of whether it is wrong to view child porn now boils down to the question of where free images of child porn are typically hosted. Right?
You're still doing a meaningless dance.

A. Since you will never be able to know where a pic is hosted until you've already opened the pervert-page in the first place; more opened pages will inevitably amount to more monetized 'clicks'. The multi-billion dollar juggernaut that is Google operates on this simple principle. Google is one of very few web presences more profitable than porn. If by some chance you are telling the truth, and you really didn't know what I just made clear enough for one of your younger victims to understand; you do now. It is not a difficult concept.

B. Since child porn is illegal in most places; it is exceedingly unlikely that many child porn providers are hosting the heinous evidence to convict them on their own computer. It is equally unlikely that many hosts will allow it. Regardless of how many there may be who do; YOU still can't know where it's hosted until after you've opened the page. Hence; each time you even search for your disgusting pics, some percentage of your clicks will monetize them whether you want them to or not. There is no hole for you to squirm out of here.

You've raised an important epistemological problem. The paedophile has no way of knowing where the images are hosted, and whether child abusers are profiting from their clicks.

But if it turned out that 99% of images of child porn are hosted in a way that does not profit child abusers (i.e. the 'monetized clicks' profit the non-child-abusing hosting sites), then looking at child porn would be almost hamrless.

I don't know where child porn images are hosted. But finding this out will determine whether it is safe to allow paedophiles to view child porn in certain circumstances. Without knowing the answer to this question, it is perhaps not wise to look at child porn or allow others to do so. But the conclusion to be drawn here is that viewing child porn might be harmless (or very nearly harmless). You haven't established that it is definitely a harfmul act.

Good work though, you've told me things I didn't know before and you've forced me to narrow the scope of my defence of viewing child porn. If you weren't being so patronising and vulgar towards me, I might have a shred of respect for you. You're one of the three or four people who have actually posed meaningful challenges to my arguments.
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