Is it wrong to view child pornography?

Wed 2 Jul, 2008 07:18 am
I'm seeing a lot of what Julian Baggini calls 'motivation speculation' in this thread. This short article explains all: http://www.butterfliesandwheels.com/badmovesprint.php?num=64.

This other short article criticises assumptions of the same kind as vikkor's and dlowan's assumption that, since I think it is okay to look at child porn, I must think it is okay to rape children and film it: http://www.butterfliesandwheels.com/badmovesprint.php?num=52

More articles explaining other bad argumental moves can be found here: http://www.butterfliesandwheels.com/badmoves.php

They're all worth a read, and might help some of you understand why you haven't yet managed to convince me that there is something wrong with merely viewing child porn.
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Wed 2 Jul, 2008 03:21 pm
There may be a disanalogy between the war on terror example and the child porn issue. But the war on terror example still supports my claim that you can support something without supporting everything on which it depends. Those who support the war on terror do not support the existence of terrorism on which it depends. Therefore it is not "poppycock" for me to say that "Just because you support something, this does not entail that you support everything on which it depends." This general claim is clearly true. You can dispute whether I can apply it to the case of child porn (although you will need to explain your objection to this), but I don't think you can dispute the claim itself.

Agrote, you miss the clear difference between all your analogies and your position on child porn

Terror = Damage / War on Terror = repairing the damage
Litter = Damage / Artist cleaning litter = repairing the damage
Crime=Damage / Donating Proceeds to charity = repairing the damage

Child porn=damage / Getting Jollies from child porn = supporting the damage

There isn't an argument in the world that can say repairing damage is done to support of the damage. You repair damage because it is wrong/ugly/not right/etc. When you get your jollies from child porn you do so because you find it right/beautiful/sexyetc, which equals support for child porn.

Once again, you support child porn and the abuse of children.
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Wed 2 Jul, 2008 10:11 pm
By the way, you perhaps misunderstand me, and perhaps others. I'm not looking to convince you of anything, as I don't think I ever will - as I've previously said, you will always find a way to justify yourself. This has been proven over and over again for pedophiles (considering they have such a high rate of reoffending), and whatever the technical name for your condition is.

Much of your 'logic' goes to show this.

Of course, you fall down in places like your analogies. You even believe/d they were comparative.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2008 05:52 am
vikorr wrote:
There may be a disanalogy between the war on terror example and the child porn issue. But the war on terror example still supports my claim that you can support something without supporting everything on which it depends. Those who support the war on terror do not support the existence of terrorism on which it depends. Therefore it is not "poppycock" for me to say that "Just because you support something, this does not entail that you support everything on which it depends." This general claim is clearly true. You can dispute whether I can apply it to the case of child porn (although you will need to explain your objection to this), but I don't think you can dispute the claim itself.

Agrote, you miss the clear difference between all your analogies and your position on child porn

Terror = Damage / War on Terror = repairing the damage
Litter = Damage / Artist cleaning litter = repairing the damage
Crime=Damage / Donating Proceeds to charity = repairing the damage

Child porn=damage / Getting Jollies from child porn = supporting the damage

I'm aware of those differences, but they aren't relevant differences. Terror also begins with 'T' and Child Porn begins with 'C' - there's another difference. So what?

I'm not arguing that viewing child porn repairs the damage done to produce child porn. I'm arguing that I can support the viewing of child porn without supporting the damage done. I may be wrong to support the viewing of child porn, but you can't claim (as you have done) that my support for it commits me to supporting child abuse. That just doesn't follow.

Yes, the examples I gave differ from the case of child porn in that they involve the damage being repaired. But the question isn't whether viewing child porn repairs the damage done by child abuse. The question is whether I can be in favour of allowing paedophiles to view the child porn that already exists, without being in favour of allowing paedophiles to rape children and film it. You said that I can't, but clearly I can, and my examples supprot this because they are examples of other situations in which one can support an action without supporting other things on which the action depends.

There may be no good reason for me to be in favour of allowing paedophiles to view child porn. But it is logically possible to be in favour of this and yet be against child abuse and the production of child porn. And this is the position I hold. We need to do whatever we can to prevent the abuse of children and the distribution of child pornography. But punishing people for merely viewing child porn is unethical and unhelpful.

By the way, this is off topic but worth bearing in mind... the war on terror does not repair the damage done by terrorists. Nothing can repair the damage done by people who have already blown people up and killed them. The war on terror might prevent further damage, but it doesn't repair anything. So the disanalogy you suggested does not hold between the case of terror and the case of child porn. But the disanalogy was irrelevent anyway, as I've explained above.

When you get your jollies from child porn you do so because you find it right/beautiful/sexyetc, which equals support for child porn.

But what if I don't get my jollies from child porn? What if I only think that those who do get their jollies from it should be allowed to do so? The question is whether I am in favour of child abuse, not whether paedophiles who download illegal child porn (I do not do this) are in favour of child abuse.

Anyway, support for child porn is not support for the abuse of children. You can look at a photograph of abuse and find it arousing, without believing that the abuse that took place was a good thing. You can be aroused without thinking that your arousal is more important than the welfare of children. I imagine that policemen/women sometimes feel a twinge of arousal when they see a naked corpse at a murder scene (naked bodies are, after all, beautiful). But it doesn't stop them doing their job, and it certainly doesn't indicate that they are glad that the murder happened.

Just because your erectile tissue hardens when you look at something, this does not mean that you believe that you are looking at something morally acceptable. Gay fundamentalist Christians can and do believe that homosexuality is wrong, even though, being gay, they are turned on by it. Sexual arousal and ethical opinion are two completely seperate things.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2008 05:56 am
vikorr wrote:
By the way, you perhaps misunderstand me, and perhaps others. I'm not looking to convince you of anything, as I don't think I ever will - as I've previously said, you will always find a way to justify yourself. This has been proven over and over again for pedophiles (considering they have such a high rate of reoffending), and whatever the technical name for your condition is.

Much of your 'logic' goes to show this.

Of course, you fall down in places like your analogies. You even believe/d they were comparative.

As explained above, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to demonstrate with those analogies. I was trying to demonstrate that you were wrong to claim that support for X entails support for everything on which X depends. That was all I was trying to demonstrate with those analogies. They were not intended to demonstrate that it is okay to look at child porn, so it doesn't matter that they fail to demonstrate this.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2008 03:43 pm
Terror also begins with 'T' and Child Porn begins with 'C' - there's another difference. So what?

Another analogy that clutches at straws, and holds no comparison what you are trying to deny.

but you can't claim (as you have done) that my support for it commits me to supporting child abuse. That just doesn't follow.

Yes, the examples I gave differ from the case of child porn in that they involve the damage being repaired. But the question isn't whether viewing child porn repairs the damage done by child abuse. The question is whether I can be in favour of allowing paedophiles to view the child porn that already exists, without being in favour of allowing paedophiles to rape children and film it.

You said that I can't, but clearly I can, and my examples support this because they are examples of other situations in which one can support an action without supporting other things on which the action depends.

I'm curious if you understand what "Support" means in the context of what we are discussing. When you say "I am in favour of…" you are also saying "I support…"

In repairing damage, you are not "in favour of the damage" ie you are not supporting the damage. In order to get your jollies from child porn, you must be "In favour of" child porn (otherwise your child porn can't have come into existence) - and you must think that child porn is right, that it sexy etc (otherwise you wouldn't become sexually aroused by it)…that is clear support for child porn.

That you support (ie you are in favour of) pedophiles who support (ie. are in favour of) child porn, means you support child porn.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2008 03:53 pm
agrote wrote:
They're all worth a read, and might help some of you understand why you haven't yet managed to convince me that there is something wrong with merely viewing child porn.

So what makes you think that any decent person gives a rat's ass what you are or are not convinced of?

Were i to bother to actually develop an interest in the topic of this thread--which is your whine about not having access to pornography based on child sexual abuse--my fervent hope would be that you will fall afoul of the proposed law and suffer badly from it. That might be some small down payment on the suffering of children--children whom you would, if you thought you could get away with, rape with abandon.

Good luck, sucker . . .
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 07:02 am
Setanta wrote:
agrote wrote:
They're all worth a read, and might help some of you understand why you haven't yet managed to convince me that there is something wrong with merely viewing child porn.

So what makes you think that any decent person gives a rat's ass what you are or are not convinced of?

Were i to bother to actually develop an interest in the topic of this thread--which is your whine about not having access to pornography based on child sexual abuse--my fervent hope would be that you will fall afoul of the proposed law and suffer badly from it. That might be some small down payment on the suffering of children--children whom you would, if you thought you could get away with, rape with abandon.

Good luck, sucker . . .

More personal attacks. No arguments against my position.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 07:47 am
vikorr wrote:
Terror also begins with 'T' and Child Porn begins with 'C' - there's another difference. So what?

Another analogy that clutches at straws, and holds no comparison what you are trying to deny.

Do you understand what point I am trying to make with that analogy? I'm trying to say that the differences you mentioned, between the examples I've cited and the case of child porn, are just as irrelevant as the difference quoted above. For present purposes, it doesn't matter what letter the word 'Terror' begins with, and it doesn't matter whether the war on terror does or does not repair the damage done by terrorism.

What matters is that the example of the war on terror is proof of the following general claim:

Claim 1: It is possible to be in favour of something, without being in favour of everything on which it depends.

That general claim is clearly true, as indicated by the fact that one can support the war on terror without supporting terrorism.

I also want to make the specific claim that...

Claim 2: One can be in favour of allowing paedophiles to view child porn, without being in favour of child abuse.

Now, you don't agree with claim 2, and that's fine. But in order to explain why Claim 1 can only be appllied to the case of terror, and not to the case of child porn, you need to answer the following question:

What is it about one's
(A) being in favour of allowing paedophiles to view child porn, that commits one to being
(B) in favour of allowing paedophiles to rape children?

How does B follow from A?

In repairing damage, you are not "in favour of the damage" ie you are not supporting the damage.

I agree. That is one way in which we can be in favour of something without being in favour of everything on which it depends.

It is not the only way. The war on terror does not repair the damage done by terrorism. 3,000 people were killed on September 11th '04, and nothing will bring those people back to life. War certainly won't bring anybody back to life. War might prevent further damage, but it won't repair damage. Nevertheless, we can support the war without supporting the terrorism.

Even though the war on terror is not an act of reparation, we can support it without supporting everything on which it depends. Even if the war is a very bad thing, we can mistakenly support it, without supporting everything on which it depends.

Even though the act of viewing child porn is not an act of reparation, I can support it without supporting everything on which it depends. Even if viewing child porn is a very bad thing, I can mistakenly support it, without supporting everything on which it depends.

In order to get your jollies from child porn, you must be "In favour of" child porn (otherwise your child porn can't have come into existence)...

Being in favour of child porn is not the same as being in favour of making[/] child porn (and the abuse that it entails).

If a psychotic artist uses the blood from his murder victims to paint beautiful pictures, I can appreciate those pictures as works of art, without being in favour of what went into creating them. Beauty is beauty; if the murderer's paintings are beautiful, then I can support them as works of art, even though I could never support the fact that they are the product of horrific series of murders.

A paedophile can get his jollies from child porn by looking at it as a sexual stimulus, and not as the product of a horrific rape. Paedophiles needn't appreciate child porn because it is cruel; they appreciate it because it depicts nude human beings, of the age that they find attractive, engaging in some form of sexual intercourse.

When the police look at child porn, they usually aren't aroused because they look at it as evidence of a terrible crime, not as a sexual stimulus. Paedophiles look at it as a sexual stimulus, not as evidence of a terrible crime, and that is why they are aroused by it. They are not aroused by it because they think it is good to commit terrible crimes against defenceless children.

[quote]...and you must think that child porn is right, that it sexy etc (otherwise you wouldn't become sexually aroused by it)…that is clear support for child porn.[/quote]

Sexy? Yes.
Right? No.

Obviously paedophiles are aroused by child porn because they find it sexy. But child porn being 'right' has got nothing to do with it. If a beautiful woman robbed a bank as I watched her on a security camera, two thoughts would cross my mind: "Wow, isn't she beautiful": "She shouldn't be robbing the bank, this is wrong". Sexual arousal and moral approval are completely seperate things. One can be sexually aroused by a photograph of something happening, without believing that the 'something happening' is good.

Anyway, the issue isn't whether my being sexually aroused by child porn commits me to being in favour of child abuse. I don't look at child porn, so there's no question of whether I'm aroused by it. Maybe I wouldn't be; maybe I'd want to vomit like anybody else.

The issue is whether my being in favour of not punishing those who are aroused by freely accessible child porn commits me to being in favour of child abuse.

[quote]That you support (ie you are in favour of) pedophiles who support (ie. are in favour of) child porn, means you support child porn.[/quote]

If you're saying I'm in favour of people who think it is good to rape kids, then you're wrong. I think it is bad to rape kids, and I think that anybody who thinks otherwise is mistaken. I am not in favour of people holding false beliefs, certainly not false beliefs as dangerous as this one.

I support the paedophile's right to use pictures of previous crimes against children, to aid his harmless sexual fantasies. I do not support any paedophile's belief that it is okay to actually go out and rape children.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:25 am
agrote wrote:
More personal attacks. No arguments against my position.

I think his argument is you are one sick bastard ... I may be wrong.

And your desperate attempts to rationalize your sickness are pathetic.

That's no attack on you ... I don't know you, and certainly don't care to. That's a comment on your pedophilia.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:44 am
Ticomaya wrote:
agrote wrote:
More personal attacks. No arguments against my position.

I think his argument is you are one sick bastard ... I may be wrong.

And your desperate attempts to rationalize your sickness are pathetic.

That's no attack on you ... I don't know you, and certainly don't care to. That's a comment on your pedophilia.

Then why did you say "you are one sick bastard...your desperate attempts to rationalise your sickness are pathetic"?

Why didn't you say, "your paedophilia is one sick bastard...its desperate attempts to rationalise its sickness are pathetic"?

You're obviously attacking my character.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:47 am
Agrote, did you respond to the longish post I made last week? There are too many pages to scroll through to see if you have.
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Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:52 am
RHD wrote:
Agrote, did you respond to the longish post I made last week? There are too many pages to scroll through to see if you have.

No, I don't think I did. Sorry, I meant to, but I put it off because it was quite long.

I'll have another look at it.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 08:53 am
and you wonder why people dont bother responding to you Cool
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:07 am
agrote wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
agrote wrote:
More personal attacks. No arguments against my position.

I think his argument is you are one sick bastard ... I may be wrong.

And your desperate attempts to rationalize your sickness are pathetic.

That's no attack on you ... I don't know you, and certainly don't care to. That's a comment on your pedophilia.

Then why did you say "you are one sick bastard...your desperate attempts to rationalise your sickness are pathetic"?

Why didn't you say, "your paedophilia is one sick bastard...its desperate attempts to rationalise its sickness are pathetic"?

You're obviously attacking my character.

I didn't say "you are one sick bastard."

Your pedophilia is one sick bastard, and its desperate attempts to rationalize itself is pathetic.

Of course I'm attacking your character/sickness. I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your illness.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:13 am
Tico, a Shakespearian line comes to mind, but I shall refrain so as to not offend you.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:34 am
RHD wrote:
My concern here is not with paedophiles gaining financially from the production of those images, but with whether or not viewing those images has any effect on the likeliness of a paedophile harming a child.

That's a good question. I'm not aware of any reason to assume that it does. I suppose the availability of child porn might encourage paedophiles to fantasise more frequently, and to think about sex with children more frequently, and therefore to be more likely to consider acting out their fantasies. But on the other hand, the availability of child porn would give paedophiles an oppurtunity to satisfy their sexual urges (to some extent) without needing to harm children. Perhaps the unavailability of child porn would encourage paedophiles to go out looking for the real thing.

I don't know. But either way, I don't think the effect is likely to be very significant.

Agrote, you've argued that being sexually attracted to children is no more controllable than being attracted to someone of the same sex or being schizophrenic, and I do agree with this (obviously hardly anybody would consciously choose to be a paedophile if such a choice was possible).

Good. And given the principle that "ought implies can", it makes no sense to say that it is wrong to be a paedophile. To say that it is wrong to be sexually attracted to children implies that one ought not to be sexually attracted to children. Since one has no control over whether or not one is sexually attracted to children, it cannot be the case that it is wrong to be so attracted (or wrong to be a paedophile).

It is wrong to abuse children, but it is not wrong to find them sexually attractive. It may be pathological and deluded, but not morally wrong.

But how do you think we should deal with other uncontrollable desires (such as the desire to murder or rape)?

Are those desires uncontrollable? Hetero- and homosexuality are deeply embedded, and no amount of therapy can truly alter them. I think the same is true of paedophilia. The desire to rape or murder, on the other hand, sounds like something that is learned, not something you are born with. If it is learned, it can be un-learned. If somebody associates sexual arousal with coersion, then that association can be extinguished through therapy. If somebody is inherently sexually oriented towards children, I don't think there are any learned associations to be broken. But I could be wrong.

Even people who watch a huge amount of pornography and masturbate to it several times a day probably still want to have sex with a real human. These things are not replacements for those desires any more than reading a recipe book is a replacement for eating your dinner.

Perhaps not, but do they encourage those desires? Reading a recipe book makes you more hungry, but the difference with looking at pornography is that you can actually satisfy your sexual 'hunger' in some way; you can have an orgasm. I'm not convinced that looking at porn makes you desire real sex any more than you did before. It might make you desire porn more than you did before, and you may become addicted to it. But I'm not sure that, say, a sexually frustrated man will be more likely to commit rape if he looks at a lot of pornography.

I've read news articles before about the computers of rapists being found to contain hundreds or thousands of pictures of pornography that simulates rape. I'm not saying that these images encourage rapists to rape (as some people might maintain), but it seems like actually having access to those pictures does not ultimately fulfill the desire to rape (please note that I'm not saying paedophiles are rapists, I'm just using rapists as an example of a desire for something illegal). Because of this, I don't think that being allowed to legally obtain child pornography would decrease the chances that paedophiles will have sex with children.

Maybe so, but as long as it doesn't increase the chances, then it remains morally acceptable.

Being able to legally masturbate over child pornography might make you feel good for a short time - but that feeling probably doesn't last, and it won't satisfy your desires to be in a loving relationship with a child, which is a desire that some paedophiles say they have.

Yes, those paedophiles are probably bound to lead unsatisfying lives.

You say that making child pornography legally available to paedophiles would give them a harmless outlet for their sexual desires - but what do you suggest as a satisfying outlet for their emotional desires?

Relationships with adults?

Or non-sexual relationships with children, but that could be risky, and obviously parents wouldn't be very happy with it.

In my earlier thread about paedophilia I argued that it shouldn't be out of the question to allow older children to actually have sexual or romantic relationships with adults. But that's an issue for another thread.

People with low self-esteem or no social skills may have accepted that they will most likely never have sex with another adult or be in a relationship with one. They may have become reliant on pornography to satisfy their sexual needs, but this does not mean that if the situation arose, they would refuse the chance to have sex with another adult.

But the situations you're talking about are presumably cases of consensual sex, not of rape. Think of the analogy with paedophilia. How often does a situation arise where a child knowingly offers or agrees to have sex with an adult? If that situation arose often, then certain kindso f sex with certain kinds of children might not be such a problem. But assuming that the situation tends not to occur, the paedophile will have to commit rape if he is going to obtain real sexual satisfaction.

Does looking at images of adults having sex make ordinary adults more likely to commit rape? I think not. Same goes for images of children having sex.

Some people lose their jobs, are disowned by their families, move to the other side the world, and so on, just so that they can be in a relationship with the person they love.

They change their jobs, start new families and live in new places. They gain as much as they lose.

People lose a lot for love. But all a paedophile would lose by trying to be in a relationship with a child or have sex with a child would be a life where their sexual desires are not ultimately fulfilled and they have no chance of being in a relationship with a child. This doesn't really seem like much to lose.

Paedophiles who go to prison (and anyone else who serves a long prison sentence) lose their freedom, their respect, their self-esteem, their hope, their safety, their future, etc. That is a lot to lose. Satisfying your sexual desires isn't the only thing that makes life worth living. A life worth living could be a life where you have a range of hobbies and interests which your are able to pursue; a life where you have a fulfilling career whci hmakes you feel useful and needed; a life where people love and respect you, and you lvoe and respect them. If we deny the right for a paedophile to live such a life, then we make his life outside prison as desolate as his life inside prison. Only then will a paedophile have nothing to lose by raping a child.

Also, if the possession of child pornography was legal, paedophiles would be able to masturbate to it in their prison cells.

Only if we made it legal inside prison cells. Anyway, a life of **** food, no women, no freedom, no respect, but lots of porn... is still worse than a life outside prison (with lots of porn). Porn isn't everything!

...there is one problematic consequence: people who are not paedophiles may view those images and find themselves becoming sexually attracted to children.

I doubt it. They'd have to actually try and masturbate over the stuff, so that they could learn to associate the images with sexual gratification. They'd have no reason to do that, and I'm not even sure it would work.

You might think is an absurd idea, but I think you will find that there are many cases of people who, when browsing (adult) pornography on the Internet, come across things they have not seen or considered before and find themselves enjoying them.

Finding yourself attracted to something is not the same as making yourself attracted to something. If somebody sees an image of child porn and discovers that they are attracted to it (i.e. discovers that they are a paedophile), then better that they know sooner rather than later.

My point is, I'm sure that many of those people who enjoy watching black pregnant women in uniform having anal sex with a group of people, or Asian women having sex with horses, did not enjoy those things prior to coming across them on their Internet travels.

How do you know they wouldn't have found them attractive if they had seen them?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:37 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Of course I'm attacking your character/sickness.

So now my entire character is sick?

I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking your illness.

What for? Is that what you'd do if I was schizophrenic? Attack my schizophrenia? If I had a cancerous growth on my neck, would you attack it?
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 09:40 am
shewolfnm wrote:
and you wonder why people dont bother responding to you Cool

Point taken. But it's hard to get across a complex and controversial idea without writing a few paragraphs.

A lot of people's comments in this thread (not yours, I might add) are short because they are shallow.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2008 10:25 am
agrote wrote:
Perhaps the unavailability of child porn would encourage paedophiles to go out looking for the real thing.

Perhaps it might. But the answer is not to make it all legally available and just hope that everything will be fine. You seem to be arguing that everything will "probably" be fine it's made legal. But what if it's not? How sure are you that it'll be fine? Does the unavailability of it encourage you to go out looking for the real thing?

Do less people have sex in the 00s than they did in the 60s? Adult pornography is far more available now than it was then. Does increasingly accessible pornography correlate with a decrease in the amount of sex people have? I don't think any official figures are available, but I imagine this is not the case.

agrote wrote:
The desire to rape or murder, on the other hand, sounds like something that is learned, not something you are born with. If it is learned, it can be un-learned. If somebody associates sexual arousal with coersion, then that association can be extinguished through therapy. If somebody is inherently sexually oriented towards children, I don't think there are any learned associations to be broken. But I could be wrong.

"Sounds like it is learned"? Why does it? Do you have anything that shows that it is learned?

Rape and murder are found in every human culture and in almost every other non-human group of animals, just like homosexuality and heterosexuality. Rape and murder have been an big part of our evolutionary history - I don't think they're something that is learned, like a shoe fetish or a phobia of stamps. How do you know that paedophilia isn't learned? Because attempts to remove the association between sex and children haven't been successful? The "learned" desire to rape hasn't either - previously convicted rapists often re-offend.

agrote wrote:
Maybe so, but as long as it doesn't increase the chances, then it remains morally acceptable.

How can we know how it will affect the chances?

agrote wrote:
Yes, those paedophiles are probably bound to lead unsatisfying lives.

Isn't that most paedophiles? What do you suggest we do to make them lead completely satisfying lives? Go around asking children if they have sexual desires for adults, and then pair them up? It must be ultimately satisfying to be a paedophile, since they're attracted to a specific age group. Even if it was legal and acceptable to be in a romantic and sexual relationship with a child, wouldn't you gradually find them less and less attractive as they got older? Then you'd have to find a new child, and so on and so on, until you're spending all your retirement trying to find a child who is sexually attracted to 70 year olds.

agrote wrote:
Relationships with adults?

Huh? How would being in a romantic relationship with an adult be a substitute for being in one with a child? I'm heterosexual, and I'd rather be single than be in a substitutive romantic relationship with another man. What adult would have no problems with their partner masturbating to child pornography while in a relationship with them?

agrote wrote:
They change their jobs, start new families and live in new places. They gain as much as they lose.

Giving up a long-term permanent job is losing something - losing job security, a pension, etc. Getting a new job is not gaining what you've lost. "Starting a new family" is not really a replacement for getting disowned by your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc. I wouldn't say that is gaining as much as you lose.

agrote wrote:
Satisfying your sexual desires isn't the only thing that makes life worth living.

Exactly. Many people put being in a relationship as an important part of life too. You've not tried to tackle that problem in regards to the inability of paedophiles to have relationships.

agrote wrote:
Porn isn't everything!

Then why are you making it sound like it is? You seem to have been arguing that it's extremely important (this whole topic is about it). If it's not everything, just masturbate to images of children in your head. Porn isn't a right. What do you think paedophiles did before the 20th century?

agrote wrote:
If somebody sees an image of child porn and discovers that they are attracted to it (i.e. discovers that they are a paedophile), then better that they know sooner rather than later.

Why is it better to realise that you're a paedophile than not to realise it at all?
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