Well, gee whiz Bi-P - I wonder where that could have been.
Quote from Rumsfeld in today's New York Times:
According to Rumsfeld "I don't believe it's our job to reconstruct the country," apparently not taking into account the 13 billion dollars in Bush's budget request for the help in restoring the electrical and water systems in Iraq. And Powll, in addressing lawmakers yesterday, warned not to expect large financial contributions from allies. saying they were suffering from "donors' fatigue." In the same vein, Wolfowitz, on Tuesday, said allies so far have pledged (only) 2 billion dollars. (What allies are they talking about? Rumsfeld's list of 49, 90, whatever figure pops up at the moment includes places like Latvia, the Maldives, Bulgaria)
Add this to the ever-increasing jobless rate, the unmentioned health care crisis, the growing trade deficit, the burgeoning national deficit - what's left? The Patriot Act, which Bush is now touting vigorously.