I read about the Peabody Museum, I definitely think we will go there. (I think rain in the afternoon, so maybe we'll plan there for later in the day). I remember Seven Gables as a kid and I was so ridiculously bored (no pun intended). I remember thinking it was a beautiful house, but tramping through it on the tour made me feel trapped. I've aged a lot but wonder if I'd feel the same.
MA, sorry. We New Englanders are very focused on ourselves sometimes. Hub of the Universe and all
Cemetery, that'd be great. I still have black and white film in my camera so that would be wonderful.
I assumed as much about the tarot readers but need some guidance in my life right now!!
I have a TX friend in next week, she gets to see Marblehead. This is a Salem weekend!
Picnic sounds perfect, but lazy me will probably waste the day away at Beer Works watching the Sox!
Maybe I'll stop by Goddess' but only if there is time. My sister is extremely anti-physic engery.
The Willows! I remember that as a kid, taking my sister to Salem state. Pickering Wharf sounds good for a little infusion of tackiness.
thank you all, if you think of more let me know.