Tue 9 Sep, 2003 05:49 pm
Santa Cruz to ask Congress to consider impeaching Bush
By MARTHA MENDOZA, AP National Writer
Last Updated 4:00 p.m. PDT Tuesday, September 9, 2003
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) - The Santa Cruz City Council is considering becoming the first local government in the country to ask Congress to look into impeaching President Bush.
"It seems to us as lay people and elected officials that Bush has committed impeachable offenses," Vice Mayor Scott Kennedy said Tuesday.
Specifically, city leaders say Bush violated international treaties by going to war in Iraq, and that the president manipulated public fears to justify the war and undercut Constitutional rights.
If approved by a majority of the council later Tuesday, the city of Santa Cruz would be the first community in the country calling for Bush's ouster.
Political stands aren't unusual here.
A year ago, Santa Cruz became the first of what would swell to 165 city councils to oppose the war against Iraq. Santa Cruz was also one of more than 100 cities declaring its opposition to the Patriot Act. And in April, the city and county of Santa Cruz sued the Drug Enforcement Administration and Attorney General John Ashcroft, marking the first time a public entity has sued the federal government on behalf of patients who need medical marijuana.
White House spokesman Ken Lisaius, responding to Santa Cruz's current proposal, said Tuesday that the president "welcomes the fact that we live in a democracy and that people are free to make their opinions known."
"The president understands that peaceful protest in any form is the strength of our Democracy," said Lisaius. "That being said, it's important to point out that there are large numbers of people in this country who very much support this president and what this president is doing to keep Americans and the people of the world safe."
Francis Boyle, a University of Illinois law professor who has founded a national "Impeach Bush" campaign, said local city council resolutions can have a significant impact in grass roots movements. Anti-apartheid resolutions, among others, have sparked policy reforms, he said.
"I think this will take off too, and a lot of cities will give serious consideration to what Santa Cruz has done," he said in advance of the council meeting.
Arcata, another California coastal community about 350 miles to the north, will be considering a similar resolution calling for impeachment next month.
Mark Primack, an architect by trade and the lone voice of opposition on the Santa Cruz City Council, has urged his colleagues to focus on local, not national, issues.
But Boyle said Bush's policies are everyone's issues.
"President Bush wants to waste another $87 billion in Iraq," he said. "That could pay for a lot of stop signs in Santa Cruz."
Aaahhhh, Santa Cruz. Lived there for 10 years and left when I couldn't identify what "normal" is anymore.
Quote:SANTA CRUZ, CA -- A squad of Police came twice to the sidewalk in front of the Pacific Trading Company Sunday afternoon. Their mission: to arrest political tablers and confiscate political tables, signs, and literature. Why? Because the tablers had been there more than an hour with a "non-commercial display".
Mr. Twister, a clown using a non-commercial display device 10' away as part of his balloon-figures-for-kids act, stood 10' away from Argue's tabling spot for three hours through the afternoon. Police ignored Twister. Mr. Twister explained that he "had the permission" of the Pacific Trading Company to violate the ordinance, which seemed to satisfy Sgt. Baker.
Quote:In Santa Cruz, California, street performer Cory McDonald, while wearing a clown costume (complete with big red nose) in his role as ``Mr. Twister,'' was ticketed for ``unauthorized deposit of coins'' after a metermaid spotted him slipping coins into a stranger's meter. ``I was just being nice to people,'' said McDonald, adding that he wouldn't pay the $13 ticket and ``no matter what they do to me, I'm never going to stop.'' The clown got a lawyer, Ben Rice, to take his case for free, on a ``pro-Bozo'' basis. They planned to fight the citation and start a campaign to change the law, complete with ``Free Mr. Twister'' postcards and bumper stickers requesting, ``Mr. Twister Feed My Meter.'' Facing adverse national publicity, City Manager Richard Wilson asked the court to dismiss the infraction against Mr. Twister, and also sought to repeal the law. ``The intent of our ordinance isn't to punish clowns,'' Wilson said.
Those goofy belligerent bannana slugs .
I would be in favor of an attempt in the House of Representatives to impeach President Bush.
Look what happened to Bill Clinton during his impeachment?
His Job Approval ratings went up