Flick turns into fck.
We have a lot of games that are played by flicking..
pitch car ,
taktika just to name a few..
The action to these games is always flicking . No matter what... that is how it is played.
Well.. flick.. doesnt always come out FLICK from her mouth..
Often times she will flick something on the ground, on the table, or in her room and proudly announce
" Hey mom! Lookitme! I fcked that toy and I am making a game ! Come fck it with me.. "
If anything falls and starts to roll ( Like a penny for example) it according to her was 'fckd' to make it roll, and she wants to know who did the 'fcking'.
I have long since given up on trying to help her pronounce flick.. It will happen in its own time.
meanwhile she wants to play another fcking game..