Foofie wrote:No, it was this that you wrote that I reacted to (not snidely, but just exaggerating your importance; no harm done Your Lordship), . . .
Yeah, Your Snideness, it's snide as hell to refer to me as "Your Lordship," and to have made the other rather dull-witted comments you did in response to a comment which was not about you, and not addressed to you.
Quote:"It is appalling to me how ignorant Americans are of the world's history, and even more appalling in how they show it." I took umbrage with this quoted sentence, since included in the "Americans that you are appalled" are many that I would guess have done more in the way of service to this country than yourself. I do not like to hear Americans derided, regardless.
Who gives a rat's ass at what you take umbrage? Your guess is typical of your habit of jumping the gun to make assumptions--about people you don't know and often about history of which you are equally ignorant. I served in the United States Army for three years, and given that this nation includes at least a couple of hundred million people who never served a day in their lives, i say f*** you and f*** your smug attitude, jackass. I don't care whether or not you like to hear Americans derided, or whether or not you consider it derision to point out someone's ignorance--that's an attitude problem of yours, and not mine.
Quote:Perhaps, you shouldn't have cast such a wide net in your criticism. Haven't you ever heard of the old maxim, "don't bite the hand that feeds you"? And I am appalled at the level of ingratitude (towards their country and fellow citizens) amongst some citizens of this country that have enjoyed a good education.
This nations doesn't, and never has fed me. Your rhetoric is puerile and witless; which considering your typical comments, is unsurprising. Any education i "enjoyed," clown, i paid for--it wasn't handed to me. Keep your brainless comments about biting the hand that feeds you to yourself, dimwit, because the only government benefits i have ever received have been unemployment compensation, and you can bet i paid a hell of a lot more in taxes than i ever received in unemployment benefits on the two, brief occasions on which i applied, in the last 40 years.
You want to tell me just what i should feel grateful about, clown? You want to tell me what fellow citizens i should feel grateful toward? You want to explain how someone else's national service is somehow more important than my own? Your idiocy here is way over the top--Americans are ignorant of world history, and have a contemptuous attitude toward the rest of the world, and are more than willing to loudly air such attitudes in public. If you don't like me saying as much publicly, you'd better get over it on your own terms, because your whining isn't going to change my decision about doing so.
And if you don't like the tone of this response, than maybe you'd better stop sticking your nose in my business, moron. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.