gustavratzenhofer wrote:Hey, Green Witch, I have some news that will make you happy. About three hours ago I was nailed by a hail storm (marble-size) and the ice projectiles proceed to shred my hostas in a relentless fashion.
Complete carnage out there.
I would never rejoice at your pain, Gus.
They'll recover, they're indestructible. I've seen them run over by lawn mowers, chewed to the ground by deer and re-grow out of cement that was poured on top of them - all of which just made them stronger.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The cry of the hosta.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The cry of the hosta.
I guess that explains the "Quod te non occidit, te fortiorem faciet" inscribed under their leaves.
You know your hostas. Maybe too well?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:You know your hostas. Maybe too well?
In my younger days I was intimately acquainted.
Hostas, I admit, are the perfect choice for the lazy gardener.
Right now I am in the process of digging up and moving all the lilies of the valley around my house and placing them down by the swamp, where they can invade at their leisure. They are taking over everything around my house -- like an advancing army, they destroy everything in their path.
Lilies of the Valley, to me, are like hostas to Green Witch.
Be thankful you don't have any bamboo.
Then we'd never hear the end of it.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Hostas, I admit, are the perfect choice for the lazy gardener.
Right now I am in the process of digging up and moving all the lilies of the valley around my house and placing them down by the swamp, where they can invade at their leisure. They are taking over everything around my house -- like an advancing army, they destroy everything in their path.
Lilies of the Valley, to me, are like hostas to Green Witch.
On this we agree. I have always referred to LoTV as The Locusts of the Garden. I inherited a mess of them when I purchased my place and had to hold numerous "pick your own" to get rid of them. I'm still not LoTV free. Be warned future gardeners of America.
(PS: Hostas are to gardeners as Hamburger Helper is to cooks, just don't get me started on forsythia because I have to go to bed.)
shewolfnm wrote:I love to salt snails
I always suspected you had a masochistic streak.
I thought that was a well-known fact!
I can just see shewolf teaching Jillian this trick.
that's why they salt the rim on a maragarita.... to prevent slugs from crawling into your drink. Devilishly clever those Mexicans...
When are you leaving for your trip, Eva? Have a great time!!
Just got in from Orlando last night, Mame. Whew, it was hot there! Last minute trip...Hubby had a conference there this week, so SonofEva and I went with him. We got a few days in at WDW before our feet blistered. We're very glad to be home.
Big Anniversary Trip will be in late July. Need to firm up dates ASAP.
Yucky slugs--diotomaceous earth rips up their little insides, but it also kills worms, which are wonderful for the garden.
Eva, start a thread about your excellent adventure anniversary trip. You don't have to tell all, but I'm sure a few would love it if you did, thinking of Gus, in particular...
I used to go out nightly with a flashlight and a pair of scissors and cut the little bastards up... leave 'em where I found 'em as a warning to all the other slugs. Did the same thing to the millions of cutworms that destroyed my clematis and honeysuckle vines.
Mame wrote:I used to go out nightly with a flashlight and a pair of scissors and cut the little bastards up... leave 'em where I found 'em as a warning to all the other slugs. Did the same thing to the millions of cutworms that destroyed my clematis and honeysuckle vines.
I did the same thing to trick or treaters.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Mame wrote:I used to go out nightly with a flashlight and a pair of scissors and cut the little bastards up... leave 'em where I found 'em as a warning to all the other slugs. Did the same thing to the millions of cutworms that destroyed my clematis and honeysuckle vines.
I did the same thing to trick or treaters.
You are one sick puppy, but I guess you already know that, don't you?
here, have another ((((((hug)))))
I admit to using beer and salt, but stalking garden pests at night and cutting them into pieces?
Remind me never to make you mad, Mame.