hawkeye10 wrote:I have to agree with what I think is RexRed's main complaint, that far too many insist upon taking what is said personally, and that this ruins debate.
I suggest to you that this is not Rex's point at all, and furthermore, that you don't know Rex at all. Check out his latest thread, it definitely has an "it's my way or the highway" tenor, in which he spouts scripture as he usually does, lays out his own exegesis, and invites you to agree or be damned. In fact, in the case of that thread, he is literally saying that anyone who doesn't agree is by definition damned, and damned in the literal, religious sense.
Rex doesn't want to encourage debate. If you don't agree with his religious point of view, you're an atheist, or worse, a Muslim, and you're going to Hell. If you don't agree with his political point of view, you're a commie, a lover of and supporter of Muslim terrorists, and you want to destroy America.
In fact, i'd say you could not have been further from the mark in your assessment of what Rex intends when he whines about the moderation at this site.