Sat 6 Sep, 2003 05:55 pm
...Wow. I thought I was to the right of Attila the Hun!
...Maybe I'm not understanding the term, "liberal."
...How are the members of this PUP group seeing Liberalism these days?
...We already have a USCoverment that is so full of lies, tricks, secrets and deception, that it is trying to take over every aspect of our lives.
...It's practicing eugenics, bioterrorism, anti-ecology and bankrupcty before our very eyes. Who could want it to get any bigger or more inclusive?
...Egad! The way Liberalism works for me is to try to solve problems at the community level, from grassroots connection and actions--not top-down generalized solutions, not theoretical constructs.
...I live in a farming community, where farmers can't get enough for their crops to pay their bills. Come on, let's get real.
...Globalization and NAFTA are killing the working class, aren't they?
...They sure put me out of a job in a hurry!
...[sigh.] There's not enough slack, anymore, to exercise
...Liberality : ) chai
Re: Liberal? Moi?
chaiyah wrote:......Globalization and NAFTA are killing the working class, aren't they?
...They sure put me out of a job in a hurry!
...[sigh.] There's not enough slack, anymore, to exercise
...Liberality : ) chai
Just out of idle curiosity, your profile says that you are a retired teacher. I'm curious how globalization and NAFTA put
you out of a job. Please explain.
How Globalization PUTS Teachers Out of a Job
...The mechanism is labeled, "At-Will Employment."
...The teacher must stick to the lesson plan; although the lesson plan is focused on behavioral matters and immediate outcomes.
...The teacher must not ask questions that evoke cosmic responses.
...The teacher must not imply that the system is less than paramount.
...The teacher must not permit the students to go beyond the learning objectives.
...The teacher must put standardized testing [because it involves Federal funding] BEFORE the ability to reason around history, trends or speculation about outcomes of current doctrines.
...The teacher must adhere to current racial and social stereotypes.
...Thus, teachers in order to be employed as teacher, must consent to mind-rape, at the outset.
...Can you understand, this is not a job; this is a predicament that pays money, to grapple with it?
...I'd rather have my teeth drilled on by a dentist, then subject myself to this kind of mind-rape.
But what does that have to do with NAFTA and globalization? That's where I am missing the connection.
Global policies are enacted, top-down, without regard to effects they create.
Top-down rules, policies, procedures and elites have gobbled up the world, and they don't give a shift, the effects they are creating for the rest of humanity.
"Rule and/or RUIN" is their unspoken motto. This I believe, comes out of their thinking that God doesn't appear to know when enough people is enough people, and so they are taking population minimizing into their own hands--genocide.
If you look at effects of USCoverment policies in every quarter, in every direction, they are literally killing people OFF, anywhich way they CAN.
They make the Borg look charitable, by comparison.
That's the UN and the Council on Foreign Relations, for you!