^ Myth
is fun and does bring that certain something.
I prefer myth, myself, to an organized religion.
It is storytelling. And wondering. And believing. And letting your mind and imagination drift so it can process and create new thoughts, ideas, and ways of understanding the world.
I used to resent religion deeply. I now still dislike religion, and wish it would be replaced with a more moderate take - one where there was not so much invested in it, where people didn't hold up to be the Ultimate Truth.
For those who practice with that sense of wonder and not just swallowing the whole damn thing whole, who can actually use it to expand and for a practical and real purpose in their life and the lives of others, it's a really cool thing!
The problem is: Religion and myth too, can easily be turned to to fill all kinds of human holes, like a drug or any thing can, a substitute.
And all in all, I think waaay too many people have forgotten the fun of it, and take it all way too seriously.
That can only come about when you are using it to fill a hole, and starting to get 'caught' in the magic of it all. Bewitched by yer own magic making!
Crazy world.