Sue who, Tart? I'm not really litigation minded.
Today I'm better. Neither Bush nor Cheney here - stories in the NY Times about changed attitudes towards Bush and 9/11. Looks like the only thing left is to tout the Patriot Act - most other things seem to be falling apart.
This is an interesting article from the Times, in which it staes that Powell warned lawmakers not to expect large financial contributions from allies (the Maaldives, Bulgaria?) because they were suffering from donor fatigue. On Tuesday, Wolfowitz siad the "allies" so far had "pledged" ony 2 billion. And, according to Rumsfeld, "I don't believe it's our job to reconstruct the country," apparently forgetting about the 13 billion dollars in Bush's budget request to help restore electricity and water. Who do you think is going to pay for all this? Halliburton?