Thalion wrote:Perhaps your rejection of the work of Neils Bohr?
I looked into many of the so-called problems of philosophy years conclusion regarding aspects of quantum physics was that it was a load of bullshit in that scientists were using maths to justify religious prejudices they held.....but like it or not, I won't be dragging out my notes so to speak, as I don't expect you'll buy my side of the story.
The size and longevity of this thread has exceeded my expectation, but my main goal is to prompt people to investigate truth, knowledge, objectivism and individualism, of course, had I met people who I thought had the "right stuff", we could've discussed various issues in private......but until people come to terms with reality's absolute status, I'm only going to invest so much.
People who think that quarks, black holes, dark matter, big bangs etc have merit are dreaming.....they're not even good speculative models....but if anyone reading this is curious, you can do searches for Objective science, maybe they'll be able to convince you since they have more status than I do, and you guys seem to be such establishment whores.