Fri 5 Sep, 2003 02:06 pm
Hey Kids ! ! !
You all know how much fun we've had when the whizz-bang went to Eye-rack. Now we need to put our heads together for another laugh-filled, fun project-we need to think about what kind of pranks we can pull on the Eye-rainy-ans. Those Korean slants are no fun-you push them, they'll try to bloody yer nose.
Only a little more than a year now, and Caption Georgie will have to do something to pull the wool over the eyes of those pesky, annoying voters again. But we can help! Those towel-heads in Eye-ran need to be taken down a notch-AND, they've got oil! We all know Rummy is the Captain's bulldog-he's not got a military bone in his body. With our help, he managed not to screw up too much in Eye-rack, but he's sure gonna need us now to deal with them Eye-rainy-ans. Personally, i think we should just nuke the joint, an' then pave it for the overflow parking from the new, democratic Eye-rack-eeze, but you know about Captain Georgie's sarcastic sidekick, Dicky-he'll wanna pump all the petroleum outta there . . .
Come on kids, send in yer plans fer the next regime change . . .
Yer thinkin' small there Sent! Iran? Another pushover!
North Korea! Let's go back and do it right this time!
Bush 2004! Four More Wars!
Nothin wrong with openin two new fronts at the same time: Introducing The Koranian War. Course they may have to activate the Boyscouts and Brownies to achieve this. In a few years they will have pacified the world and be using Apache choppers to pull gigantic plows to feed the newly freed people of the world. In the meantime, tax cuts will get the government off our backs at home and we will build our own roads and power grids.
You all delight me with your optimism, just what the country needs ! ! !
two peer approval points for the Koranian war!
Personally, I support switching to an alternative power source, such as hydrogen, reducing our dependence on foriegn oil and essentially making war in the middle east unnecessary....oh, what am I thinking?? Nuke the buggers! Let's march into Korea, and rerun M.A.S.H. 24 hours a day to boost morale! That oughtta secure Bush Jr. another term!
I hear that a secret deal is being made with Salman Rushdie to write a novel about how North Korea hates Allah, in the hopes of killing two birds with one stone, without getting dirty hands....those sepc ops types are pretty clever...
Of course, if we simply abandon the middle East, other powers will take up where we left off. Got to nuke' em first. There's no other answer. Hell with diplomacy and other forms of sissiness.