Sat 10 May, 2008 01:21 am
The first is the kinder and gentler type where you treat fellow Democrats as family members and just use non-aggressive persuasion. This is the type that should be used with fellow party members. The second is the hard hitting type i.e. hard ball politics. This the type to be used in general elections against opposing parties.
If you use hard ball type against fellow Democrats, you get a simple majority of the Democratic votes not 80 to 90%.
Al Gore was aggressive towards Bill Bradley. He never got the whole hearted support of Democrats - 75% while GWB got 90%. GWB did not personally attack McCain. Third parties did the dirty work but he denied having anything to do with them which we know is a lie. He was gentle with GWB and not so aggressive. He lost by perception. Kerry ran a good campaign in the Democratic primary race and he continue that gentlemanly way with GWB. He was slaughtered by the swift boat which he didn't try to rebut. big mistake.