Im curious about the AC unit in our apt.
I am positive it is older then Ma and Pa kettle.. but since it works I can not expect it to be replaced.
What I notice is that.. on hot days.. days above 85 or so..
If I have the ac on for any temp.. the thing will hardly EVER turn off.
I can set it at 78 degrees.. and it will run.. and run.. and run.. and run.
I know that this could be many things-
Insulation issues of the building
Improper thermostat ( Maybe?)
Im wondering if there is anything that I can do.. that may help.
Is there such a thing as AC unit check ups so to speak?
i dont mind forking out the money for it .. I would not expect the landlord to any how
for christs sake.. Just today,, with out WARNING of any kind.. he has people ripping out our stairs..
which leaves me trapped upstairs.. and my husband wandering around some where because he can not get in..
(but that is another thread entirely..)