In late October my shawty and I will spend five glorious days in Mendocino, California--Anderson Valley, specifically--tasting wine and spending quailty time outdoors and in general being all in love and ****. We have reservations at a cozy inn, and I have just secured a ridiculously sexy Chevrolet Cobalt (thanks, Alamo!). Only one of these days will be a hardcore travel day. Another of them we would like to spend on the coast, watching whales leap through rainbows.
At least two days shall be dedicated to visiting at least two wineries. There is one vineyard I have decided I like:
Husch. It is small, picturesque, and picnic-friendly. I would prefer that the other vineyard(s) we visit contrast to this one; they would be more organized and tour-oriented, pandering to visitors. In short, I want the quiet, "authentic," DIY experience on one hand, and the bloated American tourist experience on the other. Perhaps there is even a happy medium.
Are any of you familiar with the area and its vineyards? Which do you recommend? What other attractions and experiences might be of interest? Thanks as usual for your responses. In return I can only offer the usual: penis jokes and digressions about underground hip hop.