nimh wrote:Brand X wrote:It's going to take a whole lot more money for Obama to make a dent in McCain than McCain needs to pummel Obama....
So how do you explain that even now, after months in which Hillary attacked Obama and the media revelled in Wright and bittergate and whatnot, and in which McCain was sailing through without any primary opponent, any concerted attacks from the Democrats (who were far too busy with each other), and any media scrutiny of note, McCain still hasnt been able to build any kind of consistent lead over Obama in the polls?
The general will be quite different, still a long way to go. As long as Obama is seen as against Hillary he looks like the strongest candidate...once she's gone, if that happens, Obama will get a spike then it will fade as the general gets rolling.
Like you say up to now it's been Obama hype and the Hillary show.
A primary basically every other week.
MSNBC is already looking to the general and last night began the McCain/Hagee talk but it went no where. If that is going to be the media template then the Wright/Obama issue will be right back on the front burner driving Obama's numbers down deeper than ever.