6Yuri9 wrote:Nobody's looking for a heterosexual gene.
Presumably it is the same gene so a search for one automatically is a search for th either. It isn't a "homosexual gene" or "hetrosexual gene". It's a "sexual preference gene".
Quote: nobody's trying to find a genetic cause for left-handedness, which could even be less prevalent than homosexuality and therefore even more "abnormal".Its not a big deal because left handedness like heterosexuality is considered natural... homosexuality isn't considered natural. that is why a cause is being searched for.
Nice theory but it has no basis in fact. Do a quick Google search on "Left-Handed gene research" and you'll get hundreds of articles. The first that came up for me just happened to be a story about such a supposed genetic link having been found last year.
Still i can see how it might be tempting for people - striaght or gay - to embrace the idea. If a gay gene is discovered, then we can claim it's like being left handed. We'd be acting as nature intended and could then expect equal treatment. The gay gene might mean an end to all of the standard arguements used to block our legal rights and may be enough to persuade legislators that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unconstitutional. Parents might not be afraid if their kids have a gay teacher, and adoption agencies might be less reluctant to let gay couples adopt kids. They wouldn't be worried that the kids are going to grow up gay because homosexuality would be natural.
BUT would that really fix anything? People might be forced to tolerate us, but it wouldn't make them accept us. What makes us think that given how cruel and punitive so many have been towards us that the gay gene won't be seen as pathological? To a lot of people we would still be mutants, just not social mutants anymore. We'd be genetic mutants. We'd be able to claim that homosexuality is no different than skin colour or left handedness but our opponents could claim that instead of a natural gene, it is a genetic defect. That doesn't do much for gay and lesbian liberation, does it ?
It seems to me that is does but...
Quote:The question of cause should be irrelevant. If more people believed that homosexuality is as natural and normal as heterosexuality, no one would want or need to search for a cause.
I case you hadn't noticed there is this thing going on called "The Human Genome Project". Scientists are quite busy decoding the functions of every single genetic bit of human DNA so, whether you see it as relevant or not, someone is going to stumble on it one way or another. If it is genetic, the genetic properties will be identified just as those for blonde or red hair, large or small noses, etc...
Quote:Still scientists continue to hunt for a cause for homosexuality, as if being gay is something bad or defective. People are all too willing to accept this. Maybe it is because it reaffirms their own heterosexual lifestyles. If gay is bad then heterosexuality is good. If heterosexuality is the norm then anything different is abnormal. If something is abnormal then there must be a reason.
That's a severely limited (and, IMO, skewed) viewpoint. How do you know scientists aren't researching as if it's something good? And no, it isn't a case of "If heterosexuality is the norm then anything different is abnormal." If there is hetrosexuality and homosexuality then there is something
different. And if there is something different then there must be a reason. And just like every single other difference between any two people, people will search for the reason for the difference.
Quote:We need to inform the media and the society we live in that we are normal. We are not mentally retarted, it is not a psycological disorder to be gay or lesbian. Even if it is a choice we make, then fine, leave us alone. We love this person because we love them. It shouldn't make a difference what their sex is.
Well, at least you finally made some sense somewhere...