Thu 4 Sep, 2003 11:53 am
You can use the link below to register your preference for the presidency.
You can even vote for Bush if he's your guy.
Who do you think I voted for?
link to Newsday poll:,0,5467485.htmlstory?coll=ny-nationworld-nation-utility&vote8594962=1
Stop the presses:
Looks like Kucinich is running away with it, Dean hanging in there, and Bush barely a blip. Interesting...
I'm from overseas, but there is one US politician I think is admirable for daring to confront the corruption within the intelligence agencies: John Kerry.
That may be the most democratic battle that lies ahead, overshadowing all the rest: to put these agencies back under public scrutiny and control - for real.
Who Will You Vote For President?
George W. Bush (367 responses)
Carol Moseley Braun (171 responses)
Howard Dean (3089 responses)
John Edwards (24 responses)
Dick Gephardt (231 responses)
Bob Graham (16 responses)
John Kerry (99 responses)
Dennis Kucinich (4219 responses)
Joe Lieberman (42 responses)
Al Sharpton (102 responses)
8360 total responses
as of a few moments ago
realistically, one has to infer that Kucinich's supporters have made a special effort to get their people to vote in the survey.
That's completely understandable but the resultant numbers are so far out of wack with Kucinich's poll standing, that it seems a little absurd.
Either that, or the Kucinich movement has really taken off in the past few hours!
Dennis who? Oh, wait, we used to say "Jimmy who?", didn't we.
and after Jimmy was "arkansas, is that a state?"