Fri 2 May, 2008 05:04 am
GW: Hi, Dad. Yow; I seen them polls. Guess the chip don't fall far from the cow, do it? You see, you sent our boys to Iraq, then the economy tanked - Okayokay. But I can pardon all of my administration, then they don't got cause to rat me out. Don't ya see? I don't need no stinking approval. I've got friends and we've got money. No, Dad. I own the Supreme Court. He he. Bye, Dad. Talk at ya later.
I cant see why his popularity has flagged as badly as reported? Im at a loss to understand what he did wrong? I mean, just because were ina serious recession, the stock market has been essentially flat for 8 years, weve taken on another stupid war of attrition, thereve been a number of GOPers that have been indicted, GW has successfully eliminated the scourge that was the middle class and hes proposed or passed more legislation that only positively affects the very wealthy. Hell these are signature records that will be the envy of every GOP for generations.
sheesh, people , all they want is prosperity and peace. Bein president is hard work!! hee hee heeh.
I am the bush man
gu gu gu ju